Class BinarySparseMaternKernel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ToDoubleBiFunction<int[],int[]>, IsotropicKernel, MercerKernel<int[]>, Function

public class BinarySparseMaternKernel extends Matern implements MercerKernel<int[]>
The class of Matérn kernels is a generalization of the Gaussian/RBF. It has an additional parameter nu which controls the smoothness of the kernel function. The smaller nu, the less smooth the approximated function is. As nu -> inf, the kernel becomes equivalent to the Gaussian/RBF kernel. When nu = 1/2, the kernel becomes identical to the Laplacian kernel. The Matern kernel become especially simple when nu is half-integer. Important intermediate values are 3/2 (once differentiable functions) and 5/2 (twice differentiable functions).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BinarySparseMaternKernel

      public BinarySparseMaternKernel(double sigma, double nu)
      sigma - The length scale of kernel.
      nu - The smoothness of the kernel function. Only 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and Inf are accepted.
    • BinarySparseMaternKernel

      public BinarySparseMaternKernel(double sigma, double nu, double lo, double hi)
      sigma - The length scale of kernel.
      nu - The smoothness of the kernel function. Only 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and Inf are accepted. The smoothness parameter is fixed during hyperparameter for tuning.
      lo - The lower bound of length scale for hyperparameter tuning.
      hi - The upper bound of length scale for hyperparameter tuning.
  • Method Details

    • k

      public double k(int[] x, int[] y)
      Description copied from interface: MercerKernel
      Kernel function.
      Specified by:
      k in interface MercerKernel<int[]>
      x - an object.
      y - an object.
      the kernel value.
    • kg

      public double[] kg(int[] x, int[] y)
      Description copied from interface: MercerKernel
      Computes the kernel and its gradient over hyperparameters.
      Specified by:
      kg in interface MercerKernel<int[]>
      x - an object.
      y - an object.
      the kernel value and gradient.
    • of

      public BinarySparseMaternKernel of(double[] params)
      Description copied from interface: MercerKernel
      Returns the same kind kernel with the new hyperparameters.
      Specified by:
      of in interface MercerKernel<int[]>
      params - the hyperparameters.
      the same kind kernel with the new hyperparameters.
    • hyperparameters

      public double[] hyperparameters()
      Description copied from interface: MercerKernel
      Returns the hyperparameters of kernel.
      Specified by:
      hyperparameters in interface MercerKernel<int[]>
      the hyperparameters of kernel.
    • lo

      public double[] lo()
      Description copied from interface: MercerKernel
      Returns the lower bound of hyperparameters (in hyperparameter tuning).
      Specified by:
      lo in interface MercerKernel<int[]>
      the lower bound of hyperparameters.
    • hi

      public double[] hi()
      Description copied from interface: MercerKernel
      Returns the upper bound of hyperparameters (in hyperparameter tuning).
      Specified by:
      hi in interface MercerKernel<int[]>
      the upper bound of hyperparameters.