
object read

Data loading utilities.


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fun arff(file: Path): DataFrame
fun arff(file: String): DataFrame

Reads an ARFF file.

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fun arrow(file: Path): DataFrame
fun arrow(file: String): DataFrame

Reads an Apache Arrow file.

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fun avro(file: Path, schema: InputStream): DataFrame
fun avro(file: Path, schema: Path): DataFrame
fun avro(file: String, schema: InputStream): DataFrame
fun avro(file: String, schema: String): DataFrame

Reads an Apache Avro file.

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fun csv(file: Path, format: CSVFormat, schema: StructType? = null): DataFrame
fun csv(file: String, format: CSVFormat, schema: StructType? = null): DataFrame
fun csv(file: Path, delimiter: Char = ',', header: Boolean = true, quote: Char = '"', escape: Char = '\\', schema: StructType? = null): DataFrame
fun csv(file: String, delimiter: Char = ',', header: Boolean = true, quote: Char = '"', escape: Char = '\\', schema: StructType? = null): DataFrame

Reads a CSV file.

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fun jdbc(rs: ResultSet): DataFrame

Reads a JDBC query result to a data frame.

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fun json(file: Path): DataFrame
fun json(file: String): DataFrame
fun json(file: Path, mode: JSON.Mode, schema: StructType): DataFrame
fun json(file: String, mode: JSON.Mode, schema: StructType): DataFrame

Reads a JSON file.

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fun libsvm(file: Path): SparseDataset<Int>
fun libsvm(file: String): SparseDataset<Int>

Reads a LivSVM file.

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fun parquet(file: Path): DataFrame
fun parquet(file: String): DataFrame

Reads an Apache Parquet file.

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fun sas(file: Path): DataFrame
fun sas(file: String): DataFrame

Reads a SAS7BDAT file.