
fun sib(data: Array<SparseArray>, k: Int, maxIter: Int = 100, runs: Int = 8): CentroidClustering<DoubleArray, SparseArray>(source)

The Sequential Information Bottleneck algorithm. SIB clusters co-occurrence data such as text documents vs words. SIB is guaranteed to converge to a local maximum of the information. Moreover, the time and space complexity are significantly improved in contrast to the agglomerative IB algorithm.

In analogy to K-Means, SIB's update formulas are essentially same as the EM algorithm for estimating finite Gaussian mixture model by replacing regular Euclidean distance with Kullback-Leibler divergence, which is clearly a better dissimilarity measure for co-occurrence data. However, the common batch updating rule (assigning all instances to nearest centroids and then updating centroids) of K-Means won't work in SIB, which has to work in a sequential way (reassigning (if better) each instance then immediately update related centroids). It might be because K-L divergence is very sensitive and the centroids may be significantly changed in each iteration in batch updating rule.

Note that this implementation has a little difference from the original paper, in which a weighted Jensen-Shannon divergence is employed as a criterion to assign a randomly-picked sample to a different cluster. However, this doesn't work well in some cases as we experienced probably because the weighted JS divergence gives too much weight to clusters which is much larger than a single sample. In this implementation, we instead use the regular/unweighted Jensen-Shannon divergence.


  • N. Tishby, F.C. Pereira, and W. Bialek. The information bottleneck method. 1999.

  • N. Slonim, N. Friedman, and N. Tishby. Unsupervised document classification using sequential information maximization. ACM SIGIR, 2002.

  • Jaakko Peltonen, Janne Sinkkonen, and Samuel Kaski. Sequential information bottleneck for finite data. ICML, 2004.



the data set.


the number of clusters.


the maximum number of iterations.


the number of runs of SIB algorithm.