
fun denclue(data: Array<DoubleArray>, sigma: Double, m: Int): DENCLUE(source)

DENsity CLUstering. The DENCLUE algorithm employs a cluster model based on kernel density estimation. A cluster is defined by a local maximum of the estimated density function. Data points going to the same local maximum are put into the same cluster.

Clearly, DENCLUE doesn't work on data with uniform distribution. In high dimensional space, the data always look like uniformly distributed because of the curse of dimensionality. Therefore, DENCLUDE doesn't work well on high-dimensional data in general.


  • A. Hinneburg and D. A. Keim. A general approach to clustering in large databases with noise. Knowledge and Information Systems, 5(4):387-415, 2003.

  • Alexander Hinneburg and Hans-Henning Gabriel. DENCLUE 2.0: Fast Clustering based on Kernel Density Estimation. IDA, 2007.



the data set.


the smooth parameter in the Gaussian kernel. The user can choose sigma such that number of density attractors is constant for a long interval of sigma.


the number of selected samples used in the iteration. This number should be much smaller than the number of data points to speed up the algorithm. It should also be large enough to capture the sufficient information of underlying distribution.