
fun maxent(x: Array<IntArray>, y: IntArray, p: Int, lambda: Double = 0.1, tol: Double = 1.0E-5, maxIter: Int = 500): Maxent(source)

Maximum entropy classifier. Maximum entropy is a technique for learning probability distributions from data. In maximum entropy models, the observed data itself is assumed to be the testable information. Maximum entropy models don't assume anything about the probability distribution other than what have been observed and always choose the most uniform distribution subject to the observed constraints.

Basically, maximum entropy classifier is another name of multinomial logistic regression applied to categorical independent variables, which are converted to binary dummy variables. Maximum entropy models are widely used in natural language processing. Here, we provide an implementation which assumes that binary features are stored in a sparse array, of which entries are the indices of nonzero features.


  • A. L. Berger, S. D. Pietra, and V. J. D. Pietra. A maximum entropy approach to natural language processing. Computational Linguistics 22(1):39-71, 1996.


Maximum entropy model.



training samples. Each sample is represented by a set of sparse binary features. The features are stored in an integer array, of which are the indices of nonzero features.


training labels in [0, k), where k is the number of classes.


the dimension of feature space.


λ > 0 gives a "regularized" estimate of linear weights which often has superior generalization performance, especially when the dimensionality is high.


tolerance for stopping iterations.


maximum number of iterations.