Interface ViewLayoutComposition

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Concat, Facet, Repeat

public interface ViewLayoutComposition extends ViewComposition
All view layout composition (facet, concat, and repeat) can have the following layout properties: align, bounds, center, spacing.
  • Method Details

    • align

      default ViewLayoutComposition align(String alignment)
      Sets the alignment to apply to grid rows and columns. The supported string values are "all" (the default), "each", and "none".

      For "none", a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply placed one after the other.

      For "each", subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row or column may be of variable size.

      For "all", subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property will be applied to both grid rows and columns.

      alignment - "all", "each", or "none".
      this object.
    • align

      default ViewLayoutComposition align(String row, String column)
      Sets different alignments for rows and columns.
      row - alignment for rows.
      column - alignment for columns.
      this object.
    • bounds

      default ViewLayoutComposition bounds(String method)
      Sets the bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One of "full" (the default) or "flush".

      If set to "full", the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and legend) will be used.

      If set to "flush", only the specified width and height values for the sub-view will be used. The flush setting can be useful when attempting to place sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.

      method - "full" or "flush".
      this object.
    • center

      default ViewLayoutComposition center(boolean flag)
      Sets if subviews should be centered relative to their respective rows or columns.
      flag - a flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective rows or columns.
      this object.
    • center

      default ViewLayoutComposition center(int row, int column)
      Sets if subviews should be centered relative to their respective rows or columns.
      row - a flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective rows.
      column - a flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective columns.
      this object.
    • spacing

      default ViewLayoutComposition spacing(int size)
      Sets the spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
      size - the spacing between sub-views.
      this object.
    • spacing

      default ViewLayoutComposition spacing(int row, int column)
      Sets different spacing values for rows and columns.
      row - the spacing between sub-views.
      column - the spacing between sub-views.
      this object.