Class CoverTree<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of keys.
V - the type of associated objects.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, KNNSearch<K,V>, RNNSearch<K,V>

public class CoverTree<K,V> extends Object implements KNNSearch<K,V>, RNNSearch<K,V>, Serializable
Cover tree is a data structure for generic nearest neighbor search, which is especially efficient in spaces with small intrinsic dimension. The cover tree has a theoretical bound that is based on the dataset's doubling constant. The bound on search time is O(c12 log node) where c is the expansion constant of the dataset.

By default, the query object (reference equality) is excluded from the neighborhood. You may change this behavior with setIdenticalExcluded. Note that you may observe weird behavior with String objects. JVM will pool the string literal objects. So the below variables String a = "ABC"; String b = "ABC"; String c = "AB" + "C"; are actually equal in reference test a == b == c. With toy data that you type explicitly in the code, this will cause problems. Fortunately, the data would be generally read from secondary storage in production.

References Link icon

  1. Alina Beygelzimer, Sham Kakade, and John Langford. Cover Trees for Nearest Neighbor. ICML 2006.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • CoverTree Link icon

      public CoverTree(K[] keys, V[] data, Metric<K> distance)
      keys - the data keys.
      data - the data objects.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
    • CoverTree Link icon

      public CoverTree(List<K> keys, List<V> data, Metric<K> distance)
      keys - the data keys.
      data - the data objects.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
    • CoverTree Link icon

      public CoverTree(K[] keys, V[] data, Metric<K> distance, double base)
      keys - the data keys.
      data - the data objects.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
      base - the base of the expansion constant.
    • CoverTree Link icon

      public CoverTree(List<K> keys, List<V> data, Metric<K> distance, double base)
      keys - the data keys.
      data - the data objects.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
      base - the base of the expansion constant.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • of Link icon

      public static <T> CoverTree<T,T> of(T[] data, Metric<T> distance)
      Return a cover tree of the data.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of keys and values.
      data - the data objects, which are also used as key.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
      Cover tree.
    • of Link icon

      public static <T> CoverTree<T,T> of(T[] data, Metric<T> distance, double base)
      Return a cover tree of the data.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of keys and values.
      data - the data objects, which are also used as key.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
      base - the base of the expansion constant.
      Cover tree.
    • of Link icon

      public static <T> CoverTree<T,T> of(List<T> data, Metric<T> distance)
      Return a cover tree of the data.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of keys and values.
      data - the data objects, which are also used as key.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
      Cover tree.
    • of Link icon

      public static <T> CoverTree<T,T> of(List<T> data, Metric<T> distance, double base)
      Return a cover tree of the data.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of keys and values.
      data - the data objects, which are also used as key.
      distance - a metric distance measure for nearest neighbor search.
      base - the base of the expansion constant.
      Cover tree.
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • search Link icon

      public Neighbor<K,V>[] search(K q, int k)
      Description copied from interface: KNNSearch
      Retrieves the k nearest neighbors to the query key.
      Specified by:
      search in interface KNNSearch<K,V>
      q - the query key.
      k - the number of nearest neighbors to search for.
      the k nearest neighbors
    • search Link icon

      public void search(K q, double radius, List<Neighbor<K,V>> neighbors)
      Description copied from interface: RNNSearch
      Retrieves the neighbors in a fixed radius of query object, i.e. d(q, v) <= radius.
      Specified by:
      search in interface RNNSearch<K,V>
      q - the query key.
      radius - the radius of search range from target.
      neighbors - the list to store found neighbors on output.