Class Palette


public class Palette extends Object
Color palette generator.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Color
    The color alice blue with an RGB value of #F0F8FF
    static final Color
    The color antique white with an RGB value of #FAEBD7
    static final Color
    The color aqua with an RGB value of #00FFFF
    static final Color
    The color aquamarine with an RGB value of #7FFFD4
    static final Color
    The color azure with an RGB value of #F0FFFF
    static final Color
    The color beige with an RGB value of #F5F5DC
    static final Color
    The color bisque with an RGB value of #FFE4C4
    static final Color
    The color black with an RGB value of #000000
    static final Color
    The color blanched almond with an RGB value of #FFEBCD
    static final Color
    The color blue with an RGB value of #0000FF
    static final Color
    The color blue violet with an RGB value of #8A2BE2
    static final Color
    The color brown with an RGB value of #A52A2A
    static final Color
    The color burly wood with an RGB value of #DEB887
    static final Color
    The color cadet blue with an RGB value of #5F9EA0
    static final Color
    The color chartreuse with an RGB value of #7FFF00
    static final Color
    The color chocolate with an RGB value of #D2691E
    static final Color
    The color coral with an RGB value of #FF7F50
    static final Color
    The color cornflower blue with an RGB value of #6495ED
    static final Color
    The color cornsilk with an RGB value of #FFF8DC
    static final Color
    The color crimson with an RGB value of #DC143C
    static final Color
    The color cyan with an RGB value of #00FFFF
    static final Color
    The color dark blue with an RGB value of #00008B
    static final Color
    The color dark cyan with an RGB value of #008B8B
    static final Color
    The color dark goldenrod with an RGB value of #B8860B
    static final Color
    The color dark gray with an RGB value of #A9A9A9
    static final Color
    The color dark green with an RGB value of #006400
    static final Color
    The color dark grey with an RGB value of #A9A9A9
    static final Color
    The color dark khaki with an RGB value of #BDB76B
    static final Color
    The color dark magenta with an RGB value of #8B008B
    static final Color
    The color dark olive green with an RGB value of #556B2F
    static final Color
    The color dark orange with an RGB value of #FF8C00
    static final Color
    The color dark orchid with an RGB value of #9932CC
    static final Color
    The color dark red with an RGB value of #8B0000
    static final Color
    The color dark salmon with an RGB value of #E9967A
    static final Color
    The color dark sea green with an RGB value of #8FBC8F
    static final Color
    The color dark slate blue with an RGB value of #483D8B
    static final Color
    The color dark slate gray with an RGB value of #2F4F4F
    static final Color
    The color dark slate grey with an RGB value of #2F4F4F
    static final Color
    The color dark turquoise with an RGB value of #00CED1
    static final Color
    The color dark violet with an RGB value of #9400D3
    static final Color
    The color deep pink with an RGB value of #FF1493
    static final Color
    The color deep sky blue with an RGB value of #00BFFF
    static final Color
    The color dim gray with an RGB value of #696969
    static final Color
    The color dim grey with an RGB value of #696969
    static final Color
    The color dodger blue with an RGB value of #1E90FF
    static final Color
    The color firebrick with an RGB value of #B22222
    static final Color
    The color floral white with an RGB value of #FFFAF0
    static final Color
    The color forest green with an RGB value of #228B22
    static final Color
    The color fuchsia with an RGB value of #FF00FF
    static final Color
    The color gainsboro with an RGB value of #DCDCDC
    static final Color
    The color ghost white with an RGB value of #F8F8FF
    static final Color
    The color gold with an RGB value of #FFD700
    static final Color
    The color goldenrod with an RGB value of #DAA520
    static final Color
    The color gray with an RGB value of #808080
    static final Color
    The color green with an RGB value of #008000
    static final Color
    The color green yellow with an RGB value of #ADFF2F
    static final Color
    The color grey with an RGB value of #808080
    static final Color
    The color honeydew with an RGB value of #F0FFF0
    static final Color
    The color hot pink with an RGB value of #FF69B4
    static final Color
    The color indian red with an RGB value of #CD5C5C
    static final Color
    The color indigo with an RGB value of #4B0082
    static final Color
    The color ivory with an RGB value of #FFFFF0
    static final Color
    The color khaki with an RGB value of #F0E68C
    static final Color
    The color lavender with an RGB value of #E6E6FA
    static final Color
    The color lavender blush with an RGB value of #FFF0F5
    static final Color
    The color lawn green with an RGB value of #7CFC00
    static final Color
    The color lemon chiffon with an RGB value of #FFFACD
    static final Color
    The color light blue with an RGB value of #ADD8E6
    static final Color
    The color light coral with an RGB value of #F08080
    static final Color
    The color light cyan with an RGB value of #E0FFFF
    static final Color
    The color light goldenrod yellow with an RGB value of #FAFAD2
    static final Color
    The color light gray with an RGB value of #D3D3D3
    static final Color
    The color light green with an RGB value of #90EE90
    static final Color
    The color light grey with an RGB value of #D3D3D3
    static final Color
    The color light pink with an RGB value of #FFB6C1
    static final Color
    The color light salmon with an RGB value of #FFA07A
    static final Color
    The color light sea green with an RGB value of #20B2AA
    static final Color
    The color light sky blue with an RGB value of #87CEFA
    static final Color
    The color light slate gray with an RGB value of #778899
    static final Color
    The color light slate grey with an RGB value of #778899
    static final Color
    The color light steel blue with an RGB value of #B0C4DE
    static final Color
    The color light yellow with an RGB value of #FFFFE0
    static final Color
    The color lime with an RGB value of #00FF00
    static final Color
    The color lime green with an RGB value of #32CD32
    static final Color
    The color linen with an RGB value of #FAF0E6
    static final Color
    The color magenta with an RGB value of #FF00FF
    static final Color
    The color maroon with an RGB value of #800000
    static final Color
    The color medium aquamarine with an RGB value of #66CDAA
    static final Color
    The color medium blue with an RGB value of #0000CD
    static final Color
    The color medium orchid with an RGB value of #BA55D3
    static final Color
    The color medium purple with an RGB value of #9370DB
    static final Color
    The color medium sea green with an RGB value of #3CB371
    static final Color
    The color medium slate blue with an RGB value of #7B68EE
    static final Color
    The color medium spring green with an RGB value of #00FA9A
    static final Color
    The color medium turquoise with an RGB value of #48D1CC
    static final Color
    The color medium violet red with an RGB value of #C71585
    static final Color
    The color midnight blue with an RGB value of #191970
    static final Color
    The color mint cream with an RGB value of #F5FFFA
    static final Color
    The color misty rose with an RGB value of #FFE4E1
    static final Color
    The color moccasin with an RGB value of #FFE4B5
    static final Color[]
    Named colors except white colors.
    static final Color
    The color navajo white with an RGB value of #FFDEAD
    static final Color
    The color navy with an RGB value of #000080
    static final Color
    The color old lace with an RGB value of #FDF5E6
    static final Color
    The color olive with an RGB value of #808000
    static final Color
    The color olive drab with an RGB value of #6B8E23
    static final Color
    The color orange with an RGB value of #FFA500
    static final Color
    The color orange red with an RGB value of #FF4500
    static final Color
    The color orchid with an RGB value of #DA70D6
    static final Color
    The color pale goldenrod with an RGB value of #EEE8AA
    static final Color
    The color pale green with an RGB value of #98FB98
    static final Color
    The color pale turquoise with an RGB value of #AFEEEE
    static final Color
    The color pale violet red with an RGB value of #DB7093
    static final Color
    The color papaya whip with an RGB value of #FFEFD5
    static final Color
    The color peach puff with an RGB value of #FFDAB9
    static final Color
    The color peru with an RGB value of #CD853F
    static final Color
    The color pink with an RGB value of #FFC0CB
    static final Color
    The color plum with an RGB value of #DDA0DD
    static final Color
    The color powder blue with an RGB value of #B0E0E6
    static final Color
    The color purple with an RGB value of #800080
    static final Color
    The color red with an RGB value of #FF0000
    static final Color
    The color rosy brown with an RGB value of #BC8F8F
    static final Color
    The color royal blue with an RGB value of #4169E1
    static final Color
    The color saddle brown with an RGB value of #8B4513
    static final Color
    The color salmon with an RGB value of #FA8072
    static final Color
    The color sandy brown with an RGB value of #F4A460
    static final Color
    The color sea green with an RGB value of #2E8B57
    static final Color
    The color seashell with an RGB value of #FFF5EE
    static final Color
    The color sienna with an RGB value of #A0522D
    static final Color
    The color silver with an RGB value of #C0C0C0
    static final Color
    The color sky blue with an RGB value of #87CEEB
    static final Color
    The color slate blue with an RGB value of #6A5ACD
    static final Color
    The color slate gray with an RGB value of #708090
    static final Color
    The color slate grey with an RGB value of #708090
    static final Color
    The color snow with an RGB value of #FFFAFA
    static final Color
    The color spring green with an RGB value of #00FF7F
    static final Color
    The color steel blue with an RGB value of #4682B4
    static final Color
    The color tan with an RGB value of #D2B48C
    static final Color
    The color teal with an RGB value of #008080
    static final Color
    The color thistle with an RGB value of #D8BFD8
    static final Color
    The color tomato with an RGB value of #FF6347
    static final Color
    A fully transparent color with an ARGB value of #00000000.
    static final Color
    The color turquoise with an RGB value of #40E0D0
    static final Color
    The color violet with an RGB value of #EE82EE
    static final Color
    The color wheat with an RGB value of #F5DEB3
    static final Color
    The color white with an RGB value of #FFFFFF
    static final Color
    The color white smoke with an RGB value of #F5F5F5
    static final Color
    The color yellow with an RGB value of #FFFF00
    static final Color
    The color yellow green with an RGB value of #9ACD32
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Color
    get(int index)
    Returns a color from Palette.
    static Color[]
    heat(int n)
    Generate heat color palette.
    static Color[]
    heat(int n, float alpha)
    Generate heat color palette.
    static Color
    hsb(float hue, float saturation, float brightness, float opacity)
    Creates a color based on HSV/HSB model.
    static Color[]
    jet(int n)
    Generate jet color palette.
    static Color[]
    jet(int n, float alpha)
    Generate jet color palette.
    static Color[]
    rainbow(int n)
    Generate rainbow color palette.
    static Color[]
    rainbow(int n, float alpha)
    Generate rainbow color palette.
    static Color[]
    rainbow(int n, float start, float end, float alpha)
    Generate rainbow color palette.
    static Color[]
    rainbow(int n, float start, float end, float s, float v, float alpha)
    Generate rainbow color palette.
    static Color[]
    redblue(int n)
    Generate red-blue color palette.
    static Color[]
    redblue(int n, float alpha)
    Generate red-blue color palette.
    static Color[]
    redgreen(int n)
    Generate red-green color palette.
    static Color[]
    redgreen(int n, float alpha)
    Generate red-green color palette.
    static Color[]
    terrain(int n)
    Generate terrain color palette.
    static Color[]
    terrain(int n, float alpha)
    Generate terrain color palette.
    static Color[]
    topo(int n)
    Generate topo color palette.
    static Color[]
    topo(int n, float alpha)
    Generate topo color palette.
    static Color
    web(String colorString)
    Creates a color specified with an HTML or CSS attribute string.
    static Color
    web(String colorString, float opacity)
    Creates a color specified with an HTML or CSS attribute string.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final Color TRANSPARENT
      A fully transparent color with an ARGB value of #00000000.

      public static final Color ALICE_BLUE
      The color alice blue with an RGB value of #F0F8FF

      public static final Color ANTIQUE_WHITE
      The color antique white with an RGB value of #FAEBD7
    • AQUA

      public static final Color AQUA
      The color aqua with an RGB value of #00FFFF

      public static final Color AQUAMARINE
      The color aquamarine with an RGB value of #7FFFD4
    • AZURE

      public static final Color AZURE
      The color azure with an RGB value of #F0FFFF
    • BEIGE

      public static final Color BEIGE
      The color beige with an RGB value of #F5F5DC
    • BISQUE

      public static final Color BISQUE
      The color bisque with an RGB value of #FFE4C4
    • BLACK

      public static final Color BLACK
      The color black with an RGB value of #000000

      public static final Color BLANCHED_ALMOND
      The color blanched almond with an RGB value of #FFEBCD
    • BLUE

      public static final Color BLUE
      The color blue with an RGB value of #0000FF

      public static final Color BLUE_VIOLET
      The color blue violet with an RGB value of #8A2BE2
    • BROWN

      public static final Color BROWN
      The color brown with an RGB value of #A52A2A

      public static final Color BURLYWOOD
      The color burly wood with an RGB value of #DEB887

      public static final Color CADET_BLUE
      The color cadet blue with an RGB value of #5F9EA0

      public static final Color CHARTREUSE
      The color chartreuse with an RGB value of #7FFF00

      public static final Color CHOCOLATE
      The color chocolate with an RGB value of #D2691E
    • CORAL

      public static final Color CORAL
      The color coral with an RGB value of #FF7F50

      public static final Color CORNFLOWER_BLUE
      The color cornflower blue with an RGB value of #6495ED

      public static final Color CORNSILK
      The color cornsilk with an RGB value of #FFF8DC

      public static final Color CRIMSON
      The color crimson with an RGB value of #DC143C
    • CYAN

      public static final Color CYAN
      The color cyan with an RGB value of #00FFFF

      public static final Color DARK_BLUE
      The color dark blue with an RGB value of #00008B

      public static final Color DARK_CYAN
      The color dark cyan with an RGB value of #008B8B

      public static final Color DARK_GOLDENROD
      The color dark goldenrod with an RGB value of #B8860B

      public static final Color DARK_GRAY
      The color dark gray with an RGB value of #A9A9A9

      public static final Color DARK_GREEN
      The color dark green with an RGB value of #006400

      public static final Color DARK_GREY
      The color dark grey with an RGB value of #A9A9A9

      public static final Color DARK_KHAKI
      The color dark khaki with an RGB value of #BDB76B

      public static final Color DARK_MAGENTA
      The color dark magenta with an RGB value of #8B008B

      public static final Color DARK_OLIVE_GREEN
      The color dark olive green with an RGB value of #556B2F

      public static final Color DARK_ORANGE
      The color dark orange with an RGB value of #FF8C00

      public static final Color DARK_ORCHID
      The color dark orchid with an RGB value of #9932CC
    • DARK_RED

      public static final Color DARK_RED
      The color dark red with an RGB value of #8B0000

      public static final Color DARK_SALMON
      The color dark salmon with an RGB value of #E9967A

      public static final Color DARK_SEAGREEN
      The color dark sea green with an RGB value of #8FBC8F

      public static final Color DARK_SLATE_BLUE
      The color dark slate blue with an RGB value of #483D8B

      public static final Color DARK_SLATE_GRAY
      The color dark slate gray with an RGB value of #2F4F4F

      public static final Color DARK_SLATE_GREY
      The color dark slate grey with an RGB value of #2F4F4F

      public static final Color DARK_TURQUOISE
      The color dark turquoise with an RGB value of #00CED1

      public static final Color DARK_VIOLET
      The color dark violet with an RGB value of #9400D3

      public static final Color DEEP_PINK
      The color deep pink with an RGB value of #FF1493

      public static final Color DEEP_SKYBLUE
      The color deep sky blue with an RGB value of #00BFFF
    • DIM_GRAY

      public static final Color DIM_GRAY
      The color dim gray with an RGB value of #696969
    • DIM_GREY

      public static final Color DIM_GREY
      The color dim grey with an RGB value of #696969

      public static final Color DODGER_BLUE
      The color dodger blue with an RGB value of #1E90FF

      public static final Color FIREBRICK
      The color firebrick with an RGB value of #B22222

      public static final Color FLORAL_WHITE
      The color floral white with an RGB value of #FFFAF0

      public static final Color FOREST_GREEN
      The color forest green with an RGB value of #228B22

      public static final Color FUCHSIA
      The color fuchsia with an RGB value of #FF00FF

      public static final Color GAINSBORO
      The color gainsboro with an RGB value of #DCDCDC

      public static final Color GHOST_WHITE
      The color ghost white with an RGB value of #F8F8FF
    • GOLD

      public static final Color GOLD
      The color gold with an RGB value of #FFD700

      public static final Color GOLDENROD
      The color goldenrod with an RGB value of #DAA520
    • GRAY

      public static final Color GRAY
      The color gray with an RGB value of #808080
    • GREEN

      public static final Color GREEN
      The color green with an RGB value of #008000

      public static final Color GREEN_YELLOW
      The color green yellow with an RGB value of #ADFF2F
    • GREY

      public static final Color GREY
      The color grey with an RGB value of #808080

      public static final Color HONEYDEW
      The color honeydew with an RGB value of #F0FFF0
    • HOT_PINK

      public static final Color HOT_PINK
      The color hot pink with an RGB value of #FF69B4

      public static final Color INDIAN_RED
      The color indian red with an RGB value of #CD5C5C
    • INDIGO

      public static final Color INDIGO
      The color indigo with an RGB value of #4B0082
    • IVORY

      public static final Color IVORY
      The color ivory with an RGB value of #FFFFF0
    • KHAKI

      public static final Color KHAKI
      The color khaki with an RGB value of #F0E68C

      public static final Color LAVENDER
      The color lavender with an RGB value of #E6E6FA

      public static final Color LAVENDER_BLUSH
      The color lavender blush with an RGB value of #FFF0F5

      public static final Color LAWN_GREEN
      The color lawn green with an RGB value of #7CFC00

      public static final Color LEMON_CHIFFON
      The color lemon chiffon with an RGB value of #FFFACD

      public static final Color LIGHT_BLUE
      The color light blue with an RGB value of #ADD8E6

      public static final Color LIGHT_CORAL
      The color light coral with an RGB value of #F08080

      public static final Color LIGHT_CYAN
      The color light cyan with an RGB value of #E0FFFF

      public static final Color LIGHT_GOLDENROD_YELLOW
      The color light goldenrod yellow with an RGB value of #FAFAD2

      public static final Color LIGHT_GRAY
      The color light gray with an RGB value of #D3D3D3

      public static final Color LIGHT_GREEN
      The color light green with an RGB value of #90EE90

      public static final Color LIGHT_GREY
      The color light grey with an RGB value of #D3D3D3

      public static final Color LIGHT_PINK
      The color light pink with an RGB value of #FFB6C1

      public static final Color LIGHT_SALMON
      The color light salmon with an RGB value of #FFA07A

      public static final Color LIGHT_SEAGREEN
      The color light sea green with an RGB value of #20B2AA

      public static final Color LIGHT_SKYBLUE
      The color light sky blue with an RGB value of #87CEFA

      public static final Color LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY
      The color light slate gray with an RGB value of #778899

      public static final Color LIGHT_SLATE_GREY
      The color light slate grey with an RGB value of #778899

      public static final Color LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE
      The color light steel blue with an RGB value of #B0C4DE

      public static final Color LIGHT_YELLOW
      The color light yellow with an RGB value of #FFFFE0
    • LIME

      public static final Color LIME
      The color lime with an RGB value of #00FF00

      public static final Color LIME_GREEN
      The color lime green with an RGB value of #32CD32
    • LINEN

      public static final Color LINEN
      The color linen with an RGB value of #FAF0E6

      public static final Color MAGENTA
      The color magenta with an RGB value of #FF00FF
    • MAROON

      public static final Color MAROON
      The color maroon with an RGB value of #800000

      public static final Color MEDIUM_AQUAMARINE
      The color medium aquamarine with an RGB value of #66CDAA

      public static final Color MEDIUM_BLUE
      The color medium blue with an RGB value of #0000CD

      public static final Color MEDIUM_ORCHID
      The color medium orchid with an RGB value of #BA55D3

      public static final Color MEDIUM_PURPLE
      The color medium purple with an RGB value of #9370DB

      public static final Color MEDIUM_SEAGREEN
      The color medium sea green with an RGB value of #3CB371

      public static final Color MEDIUM_SLATE_BLUE
      The color medium slate blue with an RGB value of #7B68EE

      public static final Color MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN
      The color medium spring green with an RGB value of #00FA9A

      public static final Color MEDIUM_TURQUOISE
      The color medium turquoise with an RGB value of #48D1CC

      public static final Color MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED
      The color medium violet red with an RGB value of #C71585

      public static final Color MIDNIGHT_BLUE
      The color midnight blue with an RGB value of #191970

      public static final Color MINT_CREAM
      The color mint cream with an RGB value of #F5FFFA

      public static final Color MISTY_ROSE
      The color misty rose with an RGB value of #FFE4E1

      public static final Color MOCCASIN
      The color moccasin with an RGB value of #FFE4B5
    • OLD_LACE

      public static final Color OLD_LACE
      The color old lace with an RGB value of #FDF5E6
    • OLIVE

      public static final Color OLIVE
      The color olive with an RGB value of #808000

      public static final Color OLIVE_DRAB
      The color olive drab with an RGB value of #6B8E23
    • ORANGE

      public static final Color ORANGE
      The color orange with an RGB value of #FFA500

      public static final Color ORANGE_RED
      The color orange red with an RGB value of #FF4500
    • ORCHID

      public static final Color ORCHID
      The color orchid with an RGB value of #DA70D6

      public static final Color PALE_GOLDENROD
      The color pale goldenrod with an RGB value of #EEE8AA

      public static final Color PALE_GREEN
      The color pale green with an RGB value of #98FB98

      public static final Color PALE_TURQUOISE
      The color pale turquoise with an RGB value of #AFEEEE

      public static final Color PALE_VIOLET_RED
      The color pale violet red with an RGB value of #DB7093

      public static final Color PAPAYA_WHIP
      The color papaya whip with an RGB value of #FFEFD5

      public static final Color PEACH_PUFF
      The color peach puff with an RGB value of #FFDAB9
    • PERU

      public static final Color PERU
      The color peru with an RGB value of #CD853F
    • PINK

      public static final Color PINK
      The color pink with an RGB value of #FFC0CB
    • PLUM

      public static final Color PLUM
      The color plum with an RGB value of #DDA0DD

      public static final Color POWDER_BLUE
      The color powder blue with an RGB value of #B0E0E6
    • PURPLE

      public static final Color PURPLE
      The color purple with an RGB value of #800080
    • RED

      public static final Color RED
      The color red with an RGB value of #FF0000

      public static final Color ROSY_BROWN
      The color rosy brown with an RGB value of #BC8F8F

      public static final Color ROYAL_BLUE
      The color royal blue with an RGB value of #4169E1

      public static final Color SADDLE_BROWN
      The color saddle brown with an RGB value of #8B4513
    • SALMON

      public static final Color SALMON
      The color salmon with an RGB value of #FA8072

      public static final Color SANDY_BROWN
      The color sandy brown with an RGB value of #F4A460

      public static final Color SEAGREEN
      The color sea green with an RGB value of #2E8B57

      public static final Color SEASHELL
      The color seashell with an RGB value of #FFF5EE
    • SIENNA

      public static final Color SIENNA
      The color sienna with an RGB value of #A0522D
    • SILVER

      public static final Color SILVER
      The color silver with an RGB value of #C0C0C0
    • SKY_BLUE

      public static final Color SKY_BLUE
      The color sky blue with an RGB value of #87CEEB

      public static final Color SLATE_BLUE
      The color slate blue with an RGB value of #6A5ACD

      public static final Color SLATE_GRAY
      The color slate gray with an RGB value of #708090

      public static final Color SLATE_GREY
      The color slate grey with an RGB value of #708090
    • SNOW

      public static final Color SNOW
      The color snow with an RGB value of #FFFAFA

      public static final Color SPRING_GREEN
      The color spring green with an RGB value of #00FF7F

      public static final Color STEEL_BLUE
      The color steel blue with an RGB value of #4682B4
    • TAN

      public static final Color TAN
      The color tan with an RGB value of #D2B48C
    • TEAL

      public static final Color TEAL
      The color teal with an RGB value of #008080

      public static final Color THISTLE
      The color thistle with an RGB value of #D8BFD8
    • TOMATO

      public static final Color TOMATO
      The color tomato with an RGB value of #FF6347

      public static final Color TURQUOISE
      The color turquoise with an RGB value of #40E0D0
    • VIOLET

      public static final Color VIOLET
      The color violet with an RGB value of #EE82EE
    • WHEAT

      public static final Color WHEAT
      The color wheat with an RGB value of #F5DEB3
    • WHITE

      public static final Color WHITE
      The color white with an RGB value of #FFFFFF

      public static final Color WHITE_SMOKE
      The color white smoke with an RGB value of #F5F5F5
    • YELLOW

      public static final Color YELLOW
      The color yellow with an RGB value of #FFFF00

      public static final Color YELLOW_GREEN
      The color yellow green with an RGB value of #9ACD32

      public static final Color[] NAMED_COLORS
      Named colors except white colors.
  • Constructor Details

    • Palette

      public Palette()
  • Method Details

    • web

      public static Color web(String colorString)
      Creates a color specified with an HTML or CSS attribute string.
      colorString - the name or numeric representation of the color in one of the supported formats.
      the color.
    • web

      public static Color web(String colorString, float opacity)
      Creates a color specified with an HTML or CSS attribute string.
      colorString - the name or numeric representation of the color in one of the supported formats
      opacity - the opacity component in range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
      the color.
    • hsb

      public static Color hsb(float hue, float saturation, float brightness, float opacity)
      Creates a color based on HSV/HSB model.
      hue - the hue, in degrees
      saturation - the saturation, 0.0 to 1.0
      brightness - the brightness, 0.0 to 1.0
      opacity - the opacity, 0.0 to 1.0
      the color palette.
    • terrain

      public static Color[] terrain(int n)
      Generate terrain color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
    • terrain

      public static Color[] terrain(int n, float alpha)
      Generate terrain color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • topo

      public static Color[] topo(int n)
      Generate topo color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
    • topo

      public static Color[] topo(int n, float alpha)
      Generate topo color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • jet

      public static Color[] jet(int n)
      Generate jet color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
    • jet

      public static Color[] jet(int n, float alpha)
      Generate jet color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • redgreen

      public static Color[] redgreen(int n)
      Generate red-green color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
    • redgreen

      public static Color[] redgreen(int n, float alpha)
      Generate red-green color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • redblue

      public static Color[] redblue(int n)
      Generate red-blue color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
    • redblue

      public static Color[] redblue(int n, float alpha)
      Generate red-blue color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • heat

      public static Color[] heat(int n)
      Generate heat color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
    • heat

      public static Color[] heat(int n, float alpha)
      Generate heat color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • rainbow

      public static Color[] rainbow(int n)
      Generate rainbow color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
    • rainbow

      public static Color[] rainbow(int n, float alpha)
      Generate rainbow color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • rainbow

      public static Color[] rainbow(int n, float start, float end, float alpha)
      Generate rainbow color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      start - the start of h in the HSV color model.
      end - the start of h in the HSV color model.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • rainbow

      public static Color[] rainbow(int n, float start, float end, float s, float v, float alpha)
      Generate rainbow color palette.
      n - the number of colors in the palette.
      start - the start of h in the HSV color model.
      end - the start of h in the HSV color model.
      s - the s in the HSV color model.
      v - the v in the HSV color model.
      alpha - the parameter in [0,1] for transparency.
    • get

      public static Color get(int index)
      Returns a color from Palette.
      index - the color index.
      the color.