Package smile.math

Class MathEx


public class MathEx extends Object
Extra basic numeric functions. The following functions are included:
  • scalar functions: sqr, factorial, lfactorial, choose, lchoose, log2 are provided.
  • vector functions: min, max, mean, sum, var, sd, cov, L1 norm, L2 norm, L norm, normalize, unitize, cor, Spearman correlation, Kendall correlation, distance, dot product, histogram, vector (element-wise) copy, equal, plus, minus, times, and divide.
  • matrix functions: min, max, rowSums, colSums, rowMeans, colMeans, transpose, cov, cor, matrix copy, equals.
  • random functions: random, randomInt, and permutate.
  • Find the root of a univariate function with or without derivative.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The number of digits (in radix base) in the mantissa.
    static final double
    The machine precision for the double type, which is the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable for the double type.
    static final int
    The number of digits (in radix base) in the mantissa.
    static final float
    The machine precision for the float type, which is the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable for the float type.
    static final int
    The largest negative integer such that 1.0 + RADIXMACHEP ≠ 1.0, except that machep is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)
    static final int
    The largest negative integer such that 1.0 - RADIXNEGEP ≠ 1.0, except that negeps is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)
    static final int
    The largest negative integer such that 1.0 + RADIXMACHEP ≠ 1.0, except that machep is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)
    static final int
    The largest negative integer such that 1.0 - RADIXNEGEP ≠ 1.0, except that negeps is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)
    static final int
    The base of the exponent of the double type.
    static final int
    Rounding style.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    add(double[] y, double[] x)
    Element-wise sum of two arrays y = x + y.
    static double
    angular(double[] a, double[] b)
    Returns the angular distance.
    static float
    angular(float[] a, float[] b)
    Returns the angular distance.
    static double[]
    axpy(double a, double[] x, double[] y)
    Update an array by adding a multiple of another array y = a * x + y.
    static double[]
    c(double... x)
    Combines the arguments to form a vector.
    static double[]
    c(double[]... list)
    Concatenates multiple vectors into one.
    static float[]
    c(float... x)
    Combines the arguments to form a vector.
    static float[]
    c(float[]... list)
    Concatenates multiple vectors into one.
    static int[]
    c(int... x)
    Combines the arguments to form a vector.
    static int[]
    c(int[]... list)
    Concatenates multiple vectors into one.
    static String[]
    c(String... x)
    Combines the arguments to form a vector.
    static String[]
    c(String[]... list)
    Concatenates multiple vectors into one array of strings.
    static double[]
    cbind(double[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by columns.
    static float[]
    cbind(float[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by columns.
    static int[]
    cbind(int[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by columns.
    static String[]
    cbind(String[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by columns.
    static double
    choose(int n, int k)
    The n choose k.
    static double[][]
    clone(double[][] x)
    Deep clone a two-dimensional array.
    static float[][]
    clone(float[][] x)
    Deep clone a two-dimensional array.
    static int[][]
    clone(int[][] x)
    Deep clone a two-dimensional array.
    static double[]
    colMax(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the column maximum of a matrix.
    static int[]
    colMax(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the column maximum of a matrix.
    static double[]
    colMeans(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the column means of a matrix.
    static double[]
    colMin(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the column minimum of a matrix.
    static int[]
    colMin(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the column minimum of a matrix.
    static double[]
    colStdevs(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the column standard deviations of a matrix.
    static double[]
    colSums(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the column sums of a matrix.
    static long[]
    colSums(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the column sums of a matrix.
    static boolean
    contains(double[][] polygon, double[] point)
    Determines if the polygon contains the point.
    static boolean
    contains(double[][] polygon, double x, double y)
    Determines if the polygon contains the point.
    static void
    copy(double[][] x, double[][] y)
    Deep copy x into y.
    static void
    copy(float[][] x, float[][] y)
    Deep copy x into y.
    static void
    copy(int[][] x, int[][] y)
    Copy x into y.
    static double[][]
    cor(double[][] data)
    Returns the sample correlation matrix.
    static double[][]
    cor(double[][] data, double[] mu)
    Returns the sample correlation matrix.
    static double
    cor(double[] x, double[] y)
    Returns the correlation coefficient between two vectors.
    static double
    cor(float[] x, float[] y)
    Returns the correlation coefficient between two vectors.
    static double
    cor(int[] x, int[] y)
    Returns the correlation coefficient between two vectors.
    static double
    cosine(double[] a, double[] b)
    Returns the cosine similarity.
    static float
    cosine(float[] a, float[] b)
    Returns the cosine similarity.
    static double[][]
    cov(double[][] data)
    Returns the sample covariance matrix.
    static double[][]
    cov(double[][] data, double[] mu)
    Returns the sample covariance matrix.
    static double
    cov(double[] x, double[] y)
    Returns the covariance between two vectors.
    static double
    cov(float[] x, float[] y)
    Returns the covariance between two vectors.
    static double
    cov(int[] x, int[] y)
    Returns the covariance between two vectors.
    static double
    distance(double[] a, double[] b)
    The Euclidean distance.
    static double
    distance(float[] a, float[] b)
    The Euclidean distance.
    static double
    distance(int[] a, int[] b)
    The Euclidean distance on binary sparse arrays, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
    static double
    The Euclidean distance.
    static double
    distanceWithMissingValues(double[] x, double[] y)
    The Euclidean distance with handling missing values (represented as NaN).
    static double
    dot(double[] a, double[] b)
    Returns the dot product between two vectors.
    static float
    dot(float[] a, float[] b)
    Returns the dot product between two vectors.
    static int
    dot(int[] a, int[] b)
    Returns the dot product between two binary sparse arrays, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
    static double
    Returns the dot product between two sparse arrays.
    static double
    entropy(double[] p)
    Shannon's entropy.
    static boolean
    equals(double[][] x, double[][] y)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-10.
    static boolean
    equals(double[][] x, double[][] y, double epsilon)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
    static boolean
    equals(double[] x, double[] y)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-10.
    static boolean
    equals(double[] x, double[] y, double epsilon)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
    static boolean
    equals(double a, double b)
    Returns true if two double values equals to each other in the system precision.
    static boolean
    equals(float[][] x, float[][] y)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-7.
    static boolean
    equals(float[][] x, float[][] y, float epsilon)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
    static boolean
    equals(float[] x, float[] y)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-7.
    static boolean
    equals(float[] x, float[] y, float epsilon)
    Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
    static double
    factorial(int n)
    The factorial of n.
    static long
    Returns a random number to seed other random number generators.
    static byte[]
    generateSeed(int numBytes)
    Returns the given number of random bytes to seed other random number generators.
    static boolean
    isInt(double x)
    Returns true if x is an integer.
    static boolean
    isInt(float x)
    Returns true if x is an integer.
    static boolean
    isPower2(int x)
    Returns true if x is a power of 2.
    static boolean
    isProbablePrime(long n, int k)
    Returns true if n is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite.
    static boolean
    isZero(double x)
    Tests if a floating number is zero in machine precision.
    static boolean
    isZero(double x, double epsilon)
    Tests if a floating number is zero in given precision.
    static boolean
    isZero(float x)
    Tests if a floating number is zero in machine precision.
    static boolean
    isZero(float x, float epsilon)
    Tests if a floating number is zero in given precision.
    static double
    JensenShannonDivergence(double[] p, double[] q)
    Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2.
    static double
    Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2.
    static double
    Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2.
    static double
    Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2.
    static double
    kendall(double[] x, double[] y)
    The Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the degree of correspondence between sets of rankings where the measures are not equidistant.
    static double
    kendall(float[] x, float[] y)
    The Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the degree of correspondence between sets of rankings where the measures are not equidistant.
    static double
    kendall(int[] x, int[] y)
    The Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the degree of correspondence between sets of rankings where the measures are not equidistant.
    static double
    KullbackLeiblerDivergence(double[] p, double[] q)
    Kullback-Leibler divergence.
    static double
    Kullback-Leibler divergence.
    static double
    Kullback-Leibler divergence.
    static double
    Kullback-Leibler divergence.
    static double
    lchoose(int n, int k)
    The log of n choose k.
    static double
    lfactorial(int n)
    The log of factorial of n.
    static double
    log(double x)
    Returns natural log without underflow.
    static double
    log1pe(double x)
    Returns natural log(1+exp(x)) without overflow.
    static double
    log2(double x)
    Log of base 2.
    static double
    mad(double[] array)
    Returns the median absolute deviation (MAD).
    static double
    mad(float[] array)
    Returns the median absolute deviation (MAD).
    static double
    mad(int[] array)
    Returns the median absolute deviation (MAD).
    static double
    max(double[] array)
    Returns the maximum value of an array.
    static double
    max(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the maximum of a matrix.
    static double
    max(double a, double b, double c)
    Returns the maximum of 4 double numbers.
    static double
    max(double a, double b, double c, double d)
    Returns the maximum of 4 double numbers.
    static float
    max(float[] array)
    Returns the maximum value of an array.
    static float
    max(float a, float b, float c)
    Returns the maximum of 4 float numbers.
    static float
    max(float a, float b, float c, float d)
    Returns the maximum of 4 float numbers.
    static int
    max(int[] array)
    Returns the maximum value of an array.
    static int
    max(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the maximum of a matrix.
    static int
    max(int a, int b, int c)
    Returns the maximum of 3 integer numbers.
    static int
    max(int a, int b, int c, int d)
    Returns the maximum of 4 integer numbers.
    static double
    mean(double[] array)
    Returns the mean of an array.
    static double
    mean(float[] array)
    Returns the mean of an array.
    static double
    mean(int[] array)
    Returns the mean of an array.
    static double
    median(double[] x)
    Find the median of an array of type double.
    static float
    median(float[] x)
    Find the median of an array of type float.
    static int
    median(int[] x)
    Find the median of an array of type int.
    static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
    median(T[] x)
    Find the median of an array of type double.
    static double
    min(double[] array)
    Returns the minimum value of an array.
    static double
    min(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the minimum of a matrix.
    static double
    min(double a, double b, double c)
    Returns the minimum of 3 double numbers.
    static double
    min(double a, double b, double c, double d)
    Returns the minimum of 4 double numbers.
    static float
    min(float[] array)
    Returns the minimum value of an array.
    static float
    min(float a, float b, float c)
    Returns the minimum of 3 float numbers.
    static float
    min(float a, float b, float c, float d)
    Returns the minimum of 4 float numbers.
    static int
    min(int[] array)
    Returns the minimum value of an array.
    static int
    min(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the minimum of a matrix.
    static int
    min(int a, int b, int c)
    Returns the minimum of 3 integer numbers.
    static int
    min(int a, int b, int c, int d)
    Returns the minimum of 4 integer numbers.
    static int
    mode(int[] a)
    Returns the mode of the array, which is the most frequent element.
    static double
    norm(double[] x)
    L2 vector norm.
    static float
    norm(float[] x)
    L2 vector norm.
    static double
    norm1(double[] x)
    L1 vector norm.
    static float
    norm1(float[] x)
    L1 vector norm.
    static double
    norm2(double[] x)
    L2 vector norm.
    static float
    norm2(float[] x)
    L2 vector norm.
    static void
    normalize(double[] array)
    Normalizes an array to norm 1.
    static void
    normalize(double[][] matrix)
    Unitizes each column of a matrix to unit length (L_2 norm).
    static void
    normalize(double[][] matrix, boolean centerizing)
    Unitizes each column of a matrix to unit length (L_2 norm).
    static double
    normInf(double[] x)
    L vector norm.
    static float
    normInf(float[] x)
    L vector norm that is the maximum absolute value.
    static double[]
    omit(double[] a, double value)
    Returns a new array without the specified value.
    static float[]
    omit(float[] a, float value)
    Returns a new array without the specified value.
    static int[]
    omit(int[] a, int value)
    Returns a new array without the specified value.
    static double[]
    omitNaN(double[] a)
    Returns a new array without NaN values.
    static float[]
    omitNaN(float[] a)
    Returns a new array without NaN values.
    static Matrix
    pdist(double[][] x)
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdist(double[][] x, boolean squared)
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdist(float[][] x)
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdist(float[][] x, boolean squared)
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdist(int[][] x)
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple binary sparse vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdist(int[][] x, boolean squared)
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple binary sparse vectors.
    static Matrix
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdist(SparseArray[] x, boolean squared)
    Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
    static <T> void
    pdist(T[] x, double[][] d, Distance<T> distance)
    Computes the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdot(double[][] x)
    Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of double vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdot(float[][] x)
    Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of float vectors.
    static Matrix
    pdot(int[][] x)
    Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of binary sparse vectors.
    static Matrix
    Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of multiple vectors.
    static void
    permutate(double[] x)
    Permutates an array.
    static void
    permutate(float[] x)
    Permutates an array.
    static int[]
    permutate(int n)
    Returns a permutation of (0, 1, 2, ..., n-1).
    static void
    permutate(int[] x)
    Permutates an array.
    static void
    Permutates an array.
    static double[]
    pow(double[] x, double n)
    Raise each element of an array to a scalar power.
    static double
    pow2(double x)
    Returns x * x.
    static long
    probablePrime(long n, int k)
    Returns a probably prime number greater than n.
    static double
    q1(double[] x)
    Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type double.
    static float
    q1(float[] x)
    Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type float.
    static int
    q1(int[] x)
    Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type int.
    static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
    q1(T[] x)
    Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type double.
    static double
    q3(double[] x)
    Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type double.
    static float
    q3(float[] x)
    Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type float.
    static int
    q3(int[] x)
    Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type int.
    static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
    q3(T[] x)
    Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type double.
    static double[][]
    randn(int m, int n)
    Returns a random matrix of standard normal distribution.
    static double
    Generate a random number in [0, 1).
    static int
    random(double[] prob)
    Given a set of n probabilities, generate a random number in [0, n).
    static int[]
    random(double[] prob, int n)
    Given a set of m probabilities, draw with replacement a set of n random number in [0, m).
    static double
    random(double lo, double hi)
    Generate a uniform random number in the range [lo, hi).
    static double[]
    random(double lo, double hi, int n)
    Generate uniform random numbers in the range [lo, hi).
    static double[]
    random(int n)
    Generate n random numbers in [0, 1).
    static int
    randomInt(int n)
    Returns a random integer in [0, n).
    static int
    randomInt(int lo, int hi)
    Returns a random integer in [lo, hi).
    static long
    Returns a random long integer.
    static double[][]
    rbind(double[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by rows.
    static float[][]
    rbind(float[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by rows.
    static int[][]
    rbind(int[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by rows.
    static String[][]
    rbind(String[]... x)
    Concatenates vectors by rows.
    static void
    reverse(double[] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
    static void
    reverse(float[] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
    static void
    reverse(int[] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
    static <T> void
    reverse(T[] a)
    Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
    static double
    round(double x, int decimal)
    Round a double vale to given digits such as 10^n, where n is a positive or negative integer.
    static double[]
    rowMax(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the row maximum of a matrix.
    static int[]
    rowMax(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the row maximum of a matrix.
    static double[]
    rowMeans(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the row means of a matrix.
    static double[]
    rowMin(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the row minimum of a matrix.
    static int[]
    rowMin(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the row minimum of a matrix.
    static double[]
    rowStdevs(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the row standard deviations of a matrix.
    static double[]
    rowSums(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the row sums of a matrix.
    static long[]
    rowSums(int[][] matrix)
    Returns the row sums of a matrix.
    static void
    scale(double[][] matrix)
    Scales each column of a matrix to range [0, 1].
    static void
    scale(double a, double[] x)
    Scale each element of an array by a constant x = a * x.
    static void
    scale(double a, double[] x, double[] y)
    Scale each element of an array by a constant y = a * x.
    static LongStream
    Returns a stream of random numbers to be used as RNG seeds.
    static void
    setSeed(long seed)
    Initialize the random number generator with a seed.
    static double
    sigmoid(double x)
    Logistic sigmoid function 1 / (1 + exp(-x)).
    static double[]
    slice(double[] data, int[] index)
    Returns a slice of data for given indices.
    static float[]
    slice(float[] data, int[] index)
    Returns a slice of data for given indices.
    static int[]
    slice(int[] data, int[] index)
    Returns a slice of data for given indices.
    static <E> E[]
    slice(E[] data, int[] index)
    Returns a slice of data for given indices.
    static int
    softmax(double[] posteriori)
    The softmax function without overflow.
    static int
    softmax(double[] x, int k)
    The softmax function without overflow.
    static double[]
    solve(double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, double[] r)
    Solve the tridiagonal linear set which is of diagonal dominance |bi| > |ai| + |ci|.
    static int[][]
    sort(double[][] matrix)
    Sorts each variable and returns the index of values in ascending order.
    static double
    spearman(double[] x, double[] y)
    The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is a form of the Pearson coefficient with the data converted to rankings (i.e.
    static double
    spearman(float[] x, float[] y)
    The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is a form of the Pearson coefficient with the data converted to rankings (i.e.
    static double
    spearman(int[] x, int[] y)
    The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is a form of the Pearson coefficient with the data converted to rankings (i.e.
    static double
    squaredDistance(double[] a, double[] b)
    The squared Euclidean distance.
    static double
    squaredDistance(float[] a, float[] b)
    The squared Euclidean distance.
    static double
    squaredDistance(int[] a, int[] b)
    The squared Euclidean distance on binary sparse arrays, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
    static double
    The Euclidean distance on sparse arrays.
    static void
    standardize(double[] array)
    Standardizes an array to mean 0 and variance 1.
    static void
    standardize(double[][] matrix)
    Standardizes each column of a matrix to 0 mean and unit variance.
    static double
    stdev(double[] array)
    Returns the standard deviation of an array.
    static double
    stdev(float[] array)
    Returns the standard deviation of an array.
    static double
    stdev(int[] array)
    Returns the standard deviation of an array.
    static void
    sub(double[] a, double[] b)
    Element-wise subtraction of two arrays a -= b.
    static int
    sum(byte[] x)
    Returns the sum of an array.
    static double
    sum(double[] x)
    Returns the sum of an array.
    static double
    sum(float[] x)
    Returns the sum of an array.
    static long
    sum(int[] x)
    Returns the sum of an array.
    static void
    swap(double[] x, double[] y)
    Swap two arrays.
    static void
    swap(double[] x, int i, int j)
    Swap two elements of an array.
    static void
    swap(float[] x, float[] y)
    Swap two arrays.
    static void
    swap(float[] x, int i, int j)
    Swap two elements of an array.
    static void
    swap(int[] x, int[] y)
    Swap two arrays.
    static void
    swap(int[] x, int i, int j)
    Swap two elements of an array.
    static <E> void
    swap(E[] x, E[] y)
    Swap two arrays.
    static void
    swap(Object[] x, int i, int j)
    Swap two elements of an array.
    static double[][]
    transpose(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the matrix transpose.
    static int[]
    unique(int[] array)
    Find unique elements of vector.
    static String[]
    unique(String[] array)
    Find unique elements of vector.
    static void
    unitize(double[] array)
    Unitize an array so that L2 norm of array = 1.
    static void
    unitize1(double[] array)
    Unitize an array so that L1 norm of array is 1.
    static void
    unitize2(double[] array)
    Unitize an array so that L2 norm of array = 1.
    static double
    var(double[] array)
    Returns the variance of an array.
    static double
    var(float[] array)
    Returns the variance of an array.
    static double
    var(int[] array)
    Returns the variance of an array.
    static int
    whichMax(double[] array)
    Returns the index of maximum value of an array.
    static IntPair
    whichMax(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the index of maximum value of a matrix.
    static int
    whichMax(float[] array)
    Returns the index of maximum value of an array.
    static int
    whichMax(int[] array)
    Returns the index of maximum value of an array.
    static int
    whichMin(double[] array)
    Returns the index of minimum value of an array.
    static IntPair
    whichMin(double[][] matrix)
    Returns the index of minimum value of a matrix.
    static int
    whichMin(float[] array)
    Returns the index of minimum value of an array.
    static int
    whichMin(int[] array)
    Returns the index of minimum value of an array.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final double EPSILON
      The machine precision for the double type, which is the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable for the double type.

      public static final float FLOAT_EPSILON
      The machine precision for the float type, which is the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable for the float type.
    • RADIX

      public static final int RADIX
      The base of the exponent of the double type.
    • DIGITS

      public static final int DIGITS
      The number of digits (in radix base) in the mantissa.

      public static final int FLOAT_DIGITS
      The number of digits (in radix base) in the mantissa.

      public static final int ROUND_STYLE
      Rounding style.
      • 0 if floating-point addition chops
      • 1 if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the ieee style
      • 2 if floating-point addition rounds in the ieee style
      • 3 if floating-point addition chops, and there is partial underflow
      • 4 if floating-point addition rounds, but not in the ieee style, and there is partial underflow
      • 5 if floating-point addition rounds in the IEEEE style, and there is partial underflow
    • MACHEP

      public static final int MACHEP
      The largest negative integer such that 1.0 + RADIXMACHEP ≠ 1.0, except that machep is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)

      public static final int FLOAT_MACHEP
      The largest negative integer such that 1.0 + RADIXMACHEP ≠ 1.0, except that machep is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)
    • NEGEP

      public static final int NEGEP
      The largest negative integer such that 1.0 - RADIXNEGEP ≠ 1.0, except that negeps is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)

      public static final int FLOAT_NEGEP
      The largest negative integer such that 1.0 - RADIXNEGEP ≠ 1.0, except that negeps is bounded below by -(DIGITS+3)
  • Method Details

    • log2

      public static double log2(double x)
      Log of base 2.
      x - a real number.
      the value log2(x).
    • log

      public static double log(double x)
      Returns natural log without underflow.
      x - a real number.
      the value log(x).
    • log1pe

      public static double log1pe(double x)
      Returns natural log(1+exp(x)) without overflow.
      x - a real number.
      the value log(1+exp(x)).
    • isInt

      public static boolean isInt(float x)
      Returns true if x is an integer.
      x - a real number.
      true if x is an integer.
    • isInt

      public static boolean isInt(double x)
      Returns true if x is an integer.
      x - a real number.
      true if x is an integer.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(double a, double b)
      Returns true if two double values equals to each other in the system precision.
      a - a double value.
      b - a double value.
      true if two double values equals to each other in the system precision
    • sigmoid

      public static double sigmoid(double x)
      Logistic sigmoid function 1 / (1 + exp(-x)).
      x - a real number.
      the sigmoid function.
    • pow2

      public static double pow2(double x)
      Returns x * x.
      x - a real number.
      the square of x.
    • isPower2

      public static boolean isPower2(int x)
      Returns true if x is a power of 2.
      x - a real number.
      true if x is a power of 2.
    • isProbablePrime

      public static boolean isProbablePrime(long n, int k)
      Returns true if n is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite. This implements Miller-Rabin primality test.
      n - an odd integer to be tested for primality
      k - the number of rounds of primality test to perform. With larger number of rounds, the test is more accurate but also takes longer time.
      true if n is probably prime, false if it's definitely composite.
    • round

      public static double round(double x, int decimal)
      Round a double vale to given digits such as 10^n, where n is a positive or negative integer.
      x - a real number.
      decimal - the number of digits to round to.
      the rounded value.
    • factorial

      public static double factorial(int n)
      The factorial of n.
      n - a positive integer.
      the factorial returned as double but is, numerically, an integer. Numerical rounding may make this an approximation after n = 21.
    • lfactorial

      public static double lfactorial(int n)
      The log of factorial of n.
      n - a positive integer.
      the log of factorial .
    • choose

      public static double choose(int n, int k)
      The n choose k. Returns 0 if n is less than k.
      n - the total number of objects in the set.
      k - the number of choosing objects from the set.
      the number of combinations.
    • lchoose

      public static double lchoose(int n, int k)
      The log of n choose k.
      n - the total number of objects in the set.
      k - the number of choosing objects from the set.
      the log of the number of combinations.
    • generateSeed

      public static long generateSeed()
      Returns a random number to seed other random number generators.
      a random number to seed other random number generators.
    • generateSeed

      public static byte[] generateSeed(int numBytes)
      Returns the given number of random bytes to seed other random number generators.
      numBytes - the number of seed bytes to generate.
      the seed bytes.
    • seeds

      public static LongStream seeds()
      Returns a stream of random numbers to be used as RNG seeds.
      a stream of random numbers to be used as RNG seeds.
    • setSeed

      public static void setSeed(long seed)
      Initialize the random number generator with a seed.
      seed - the RNG seed.
    • probablePrime

      public static long probablePrime(long n, int k)
      Returns a probably prime number greater than n.
      n - the returned value should be greater than n.
      k - the number of rounds of primality test to perform. With larger number of rounds, the test is more accurate but also takes longer time.
      a probably prime number greater than n.
    • random

      public static int random(double[] prob)
      Given a set of n probabilities, generate a random number in [0, n).
      prob - probabilities of size n. The prob argument can be used to give a vector of weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled. They need not sum to one, but they should be non-negative and not all zero.
      a random integer in [0, n).
    • random

      public static int[] random(double[] prob, int n)
      Given a set of m probabilities, draw with replacement a set of n random number in [0, m).
      prob - probabilities of size n. The prob argument can be used to give a vector of weights for obtaining the elements of the vector being sampled. They need not sum to one, but they should be non-negative and not all zero.
      n - the number of random numbers.
      random numbers in range of [0, m).
    • random

      public static double random()
      Generate a random number in [0, 1).
      a random number.
    • random

      public static double[] random(int n)
      Generate n random numbers in [0, 1).
      n - the number of random numbers.
      the random numbers.
    • random

      public static double random(double lo, double hi)
      Generate a uniform random number in the range [lo, hi).
      lo - lower limit of range
      hi - upper limit of range
      a uniform random number in the range [lo, hi)
    • random

      public static double[] random(double lo, double hi, int n)
      Generate uniform random numbers in the range [lo, hi).
      lo - lower limit of range
      hi - upper limit of range
      n - the number of random numbers.
      uniform random numbers in the range [lo, hi)
    • randomLong

      public static long randomLong()
      Returns a random long integer.
      a random long integer.
    • randomInt

      public static int randomInt(int n)
      Returns a random integer in [0, n).
      n - the upper bound of random number.
      a random integer.
    • randomInt

      public static int randomInt(int lo, int hi)
      Returns a random integer in [lo, hi).
      lo - lower limit of range
      hi - upper limit of range
      a uniform random number in the range [lo, hi)
    • randn

      public static double[][] randn(int m, int n)
      Returns a random matrix of standard normal distribution.
      m - the number of rows.
      n - the number of columns.
      the random matrix.
    • permutate

      public static int[] permutate(int n)
      Returns a permutation of (0, 1, 2, ..., n-1).
      n - the upper bound.
      the permutation of (0, 1, 2, ..., n-1).
    • permutate

      public static void permutate(int[] x)
      Permutates an array.
      x - the array.
    • permutate

      public static void permutate(float[] x)
      Permutates an array.
      x - the array.
    • permutate

      public static void permutate(double[] x)
      Permutates an array.
      x - the array.
    • permutate

      public static void permutate(Object[] x)
      Permutates an array.
      x - the array.
    • softmax

      public static int softmax(double[] posteriori)
      The softmax function without overflow. The function takes as an input vector of K real numbers, and normalizes it into a probability distribution consisting of K probabilities proportional to the exponentials of the input numbers. That is, prior to applying softmax, some vector components could be negative, or greater than one; and might not sum to 1; but after applying softmax, each component will be in the interval (0,1), and the components will add up to 1, so that they can be interpreted as probabilities. Furthermore, the larger input components will correspond to larger probabilities.
      posteriori - the input/output vector.
      the index of largest posteriori probability.
    • softmax

      public static int softmax(double[] x, int k)
      The softmax function without overflow. The function takes as an input vector of K real numbers, and normalizes it into a probability distribution consisting of K probabilities proportional to the exponentials of the input numbers. That is, prior to applying softmax, some vector components could be negative, or greater than one; and might not sum to 1; but after applying softmax, each component will be in the interval (0,1), and the components will add up to 1, so that they can be interpreted as probabilities. Furthermore, the larger input components will correspond to larger probabilities.
      x - the input/output vector.
      k - uses only first k components of input vector.
      the index of largest posteriori probability.
    • c

      public static int[] c(int... x)
      Combines the arguments to form a vector.
      x - the vector elements.
      the vector.
    • c

      public static float[] c(float... x)
      Combines the arguments to form a vector.
      x - the vector elements.
      the vector.
    • c

      public static double[] c(double... x)
      Combines the arguments to form a vector.
      x - the vector elements.
      the vector.
    • c

      public static String[] c(String... x)
      Combines the arguments to form a vector.
      x - the vector elements.
      the vector.
    • c

      public static int[] c(int[]... list)
      Concatenates multiple vectors into one.
      list - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • c

      public static float[] c(float[]... list)
      Concatenates multiple vectors into one.
      list - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • c

      public static double[] c(double[]... list)
      Concatenates multiple vectors into one.
      list - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • c

      public static String[] c(String[]... list)
      Concatenates multiple vectors into one array of strings.
      list - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • cbind

      public static int[] cbind(int[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by columns.
      x - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • cbind

      public static float[] cbind(float[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by columns.
      x - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • cbind

      public static double[] cbind(double[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by columns.
      x - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • cbind

      public static String[] cbind(String[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by columns.
      x - the vectors.
      the concatenated vector.
    • rbind

      public static int[][] rbind(int[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by rows.
      x - the vectors.
      the matrix.
    • rbind

      public static float[][] rbind(float[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by rows.
      x - the vectors.
      the matrix.
    • rbind

      public static double[][] rbind(double[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by rows.
      x - the vectors.
      the matrix.
    • rbind

      public static String[][] rbind(String[]... x)
      Concatenates vectors by rows.
      x - the vectors.
      the matrix.
    • slice

      public static <E> E[] slice(E[] data, int[] index)
      Returns a slice of data for given indices.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the data type of elements.
      data - the array.
      index - the indices of selected elements.
      the selected elements.
    • slice

      public static int[] slice(int[] data, int[] index)
      Returns a slice of data for given indices.
      data - the array.
      index - the indices of selected elements.
      the selected elements.
    • slice

      public static float[] slice(float[] data, int[] index)
      Returns a slice of data for given indices.
      data - the array.
      index - the indices of selected elements.
      the selected elements.
    • slice

      public static double[] slice(double[] data, int[] index)
      Returns a slice of data for given indices.
      data - the array.
      index - the indices of selected elements.
      the selected elements.
    • contains

      public static boolean contains(double[][] polygon, double[] point)
      Determines if the polygon contains the point.
      polygon - the vertices of polygon.
      point - the point.
      true if the Polygon contains the point.
    • contains

      public static boolean contains(double[][] polygon, double x, double y)
      Determines if the polygon contains the point.
      polygon - the vertices of polygon.
      x - the x coordinate of point.
      y - the y coordinate of point.
      true if the Polygon contains the point.
    • omit

      public static int[] omit(int[] a, int value)
      Returns a new array without the specified value.
      a - an input array.
      value - the value to omit.
      a new array without the specified value.
    • omit

      public static float[] omit(float[] a, float value)
      Returns a new array without the specified value.
      a - an input array.
      value - the value to omit.
      a new array without the specified value.
    • omit

      public static double[] omit(double[] a, double value)
      Returns a new array without the specified value.
      a - an input array.
      value - the value to omit.
      a new array without the specified value.
    • omitNaN

      public static float[] omitNaN(float[] a)
      Returns a new array without NaN values.
      a - an input array that may contain NaN.
      a new array without NaN values.
    • omitNaN

      public static double[] omitNaN(double[] a)
      Returns a new array without NaN values.
      a - an input array that may contain NaN.
      a new array without NaN values.
    • reverse

      public static void reverse(int[] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
      a - an array to reverse.
    • reverse

      public static void reverse(float[] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
      a - the array to reverse.
    • reverse

      public static void reverse(double[] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
      a - the array to reverse.
    • reverse

      public static <T> void reverse(T[] a)
      Reverses the order of the elements in the specified array.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the data type of array elements.
      a - the array to reverse.
    • mode

      public static int mode(int[] a)
      Returns the mode of the array, which is the most frequent element. If there are multiple modes, one of them will be returned.
      a - the array. The order of elements will be changed on output.
      the mode.
    • min

      public static int min(int a, int b, int c)
      Returns the minimum of 3 integer numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static float min(float a, float b, float c)
      Returns the minimum of 3 float numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static double min(double a, double b, double c)
      Returns the minimum of 3 double numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static int min(int a, int b, int c, int d)
      Returns the minimum of 4 integer numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      d - a number.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static float min(float a, float b, float c, float d)
      Returns the minimum of 4 float numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      d - a number.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static double min(double a, double b, double c, double d)
      Returns the minimum of 4 double numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      d - a number.
      the minimum.
    • max

      public static int max(int a, int b, int c)
      Returns the maximum of 3 integer numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      the maximum.
    • max

      public static float max(float a, float b, float c)
      Returns the maximum of 4 float numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      the maximum.
    • max

      public static double max(double a, double b, double c)
      Returns the maximum of 4 double numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      the maximum.
    • max

      public static int max(int a, int b, int c, int d)
      Returns the maximum of 4 integer numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      d - a number.
      the maximum.
    • max

      public static float max(float a, float b, float c, float d)
      Returns the maximum of 4 float numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      d - a number.
      the maximum.
    • max

      public static double max(double a, double b, double c, double d)
      Returns the maximum of 4 double numbers.
      a - a number.
      b - a number.
      c - a number.
      d - a number.
      the maximum.
    • min

      public static int min(int[] array)
      Returns the minimum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static float min(float[] array)
      Returns the minimum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static double min(double[] array)
      Returns the minimum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the minimum.
    • whichMin

      public static int whichMin(int[] array)
      Returns the index of minimum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of minimum.
    • whichMin

      public static int whichMin(float[] array)
      Returns the index of minimum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of minimum.
    • whichMin

      public static int whichMin(double[] array)
      Returns the index of minimum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of minimum.
    • max

      public static int max(int[] array)
      Returns the maximum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of maximum.
    • max

      public static float max(float[] array)
      Returns the maximum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of maximum.
    • max

      public static double max(double[] array)
      Returns the maximum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of maximum.
    • whichMax

      public static int whichMax(int[] array)
      Returns the index of maximum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of maximum.
    • whichMax

      public static int whichMax(float[] array)
      Returns the index of maximum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of maximum.
    • whichMax

      public static int whichMax(double[] array)
      Returns the index of maximum value of an array.
      array - the array.
      the index of maximum.
    • min

      public static int min(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the minimum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the minimum.
    • min

      public static double min(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the minimum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the minimum.
    • max

      public static int max(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the maximum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the maximum.
    • max

      public static double max(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the maximum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the maximum.
    • whichMin

      public static IntPair whichMin(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the index of minimum value of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the index of minimum.
    • whichMax

      public static IntPair whichMax(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the index of maximum value of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the index of maximum.
    • transpose

      public static double[][] transpose(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the matrix transpose.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the transpose.
    • rowMin

      public static int[] rowMin(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the row minimum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row minimums.
    • rowMax

      public static int[] rowMax(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the row maximum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row maximums.
    • rowSums

      public static long[] rowSums(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the row sums of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row sums.
    • rowMin

      public static double[] rowMin(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the row minimum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row minimums.
    • rowMax

      public static double[] rowMax(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the row maximum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row maximums.
    • rowSums

      public static double[] rowSums(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the row sums of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row sums.
    • rowMeans

      public static double[] rowMeans(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the row means of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row means.
    • rowStdevs

      public static double[] rowStdevs(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the row standard deviations of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the row standard deviations.
    • colMin

      public static int[] colMin(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the column minimum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column minimums.
    • colMax

      public static int[] colMax(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the column maximum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column maximums.
    • colSums

      public static long[] colSums(int[][] matrix)
      Returns the column sums of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column sums.
    • colMin

      public static double[] colMin(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the column minimum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column minimums.
    • colMax

      public static double[] colMax(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the column maximum of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column maximums.
    • colSums

      public static double[] colSums(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the column sums of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column sums.
    • colMeans

      public static double[] colMeans(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the column means of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column means.
    • colStdevs

      public static double[] colStdevs(double[][] matrix)
      Returns the column standard deviations of a matrix.
      matrix - the matrix.
      the column standard deviations.
    • sum

      public static int sum(byte[] x)
      Returns the sum of an array.
      x - the array.
      the sum.
    • sum

      public static long sum(int[] x)
      Returns the sum of an array.
      x - the array.
      the sum.
    • sum

      public static double sum(float[] x)
      Returns the sum of an array.
      x - the array.
      the sum.
    • sum

      public static double sum(double[] x)
      Returns the sum of an array.
      x - the array.
      the sum.
    • median

      public static int median(int[] x)
      Find the median of an array of type int. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the median.
    • median

      public static float median(float[] x)
      Find the median of an array of type float. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the median.
    • median

      public static double median(double[] x)
      Find the median of an array of type double. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the median.
    • median

      public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T median(T[] x)
      Find the median of an array of type double. The input array will be rearranged.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the data type of array elements.
      x - the array.
      the median.
    • q1

      public static int q1(int[] x)
      Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type int. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the first quantile.
    • q1

      public static float q1(float[] x)
      Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type float. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the first quantile.
    • q1

      public static double q1(double[] x)
      Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type double. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the first quantile.
    • q1

      public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T q1(T[] x)
      Find the first quantile (p = 1/4) of an array of type double. The input array will be rearranged.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the data type of array elements.
      x - the array.
      the first quantile.
    • q3

      public static int q3(int[] x)
      Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type int. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the third quantile.
    • q3

      public static float q3(float[] x)
      Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type float. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the third quantile.
    • q3

      public static double q3(double[] x)
      Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type double. The input array will be rearranged.
      x - the array.
      the third quantile.
    • q3

      public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T q3(T[] x)
      Find the third quantile (p = 3/4) of an array of type double. The input array will be rearranged.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the data type of array elements.
      x - the array.
      the third quantile.
    • mean

      public static double mean(int[] array)
      Returns the mean of an array.
      array - the array.
      the mean.
    • mean

      public static double mean(float[] array)
      Returns the mean of an array.
      array - the array.
      the mean.
    • mean

      public static double mean(double[] array)
      Returns the mean of an array.
      array - the array.
      the mean.
    • var

      public static double var(int[] array)
      Returns the variance of an array.
      array - the array.
      the variance.
    • var

      public static double var(float[] array)
      Returns the variance of an array.
      array - the array.
      the variance.
    • var

      public static double var(double[] array)
      Returns the variance of an array.
      array - the array.
      the variance.
    • stdev

      public static double stdev(int[] array)
      Returns the standard deviation of an array.
      array - the array.
      the standard deviation.
    • stdev

      public static double stdev(float[] array)
      Returns the standard deviation of an array.
      array - the array.
      the standard deviation.
    • stdev

      public static double stdev(double[] array)
      Returns the standard deviation of an array.
      array - the array.
      the standard deviation.
    • mad

      public static double mad(int[] array)
      Returns the median absolute deviation (MAD). Note that input array will be altered after the computation. MAD is a robust measure of the variability of a univariate sample of quantitative data. For a univariate data set X1, X2, ..., Xn, the MAD is defined as the median of the absolute deviations from the data's median:

      MAD(X) = median(|Xi - median(Xi)|)

      that is, starting with the residuals (deviations) from the data's median, the MAD is the median of their absolute values.

      MAD is a more robust estimator of scale than the sample variance or standard deviation. For instance, MAD is more resilient to outliers in a data set than the standard deviation. It thus behaves better with distributions without a mean or variance, such as the Cauchy distribution.

      In order to use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the estimation of the standard deviation σ, one takes σ = K * MAD, where K is a constant scale factor, which depends on the distribution. For normally distributed data K is taken to be 1.4826. Other distributions behave differently: for example for large samples from a uniform continuous distribution, this factor is about 1.1547.

      array - the array.
      the median absolute deviation.
    • mad

      public static double mad(float[] array)
      Returns the median absolute deviation (MAD). Note that input array will be altered after the computation. MAD is a robust measure of the variability of a univariate sample of quantitative data. For a univariate data set X1, X2, ..., Xn, the MAD is defined as the median of the absolute deviations from the data's median:

      MAD(X) = median(|Xi - median(Xi)|)

      that is, starting with the residuals (deviations) from the data's median, the MAD is the median of their absolute values.

      MAD is a more robust estimator of scale than the sample variance or standard deviation. For instance, MAD is more resilient to outliers in a data set than the standard deviation. It thus behaves better with distributions without a mean or variance, such as the Cauchy distribution.

      In order to use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the estimation of the standard deviation σ, one takes σ = K * MAD, where K is a constant scale factor, which depends on the distribution. For normally distributed data K is taken to be 1.4826. Other distributions behave differently: for example for large samples from a uniform continuous distribution, this factor is about 1.1547.

      array - the array.
      the median abolute deviation.
    • mad

      public static double mad(double[] array)
      Returns the median absolute deviation (MAD). Note that input array will be altered after the computation. MAD is a robust measure of the variability of a univariate sample of quantitative data. For a univariate data set X1, X2, ..., Xn, the MAD is defined as the median of the absolute deviations from the data's median:

      MAD(X) = median(|Xi - median(Xi)|)

      that is, starting with the residuals (deviations) from the data's median, the MAD is the median of their absolute values.

      MAD is a more robust estimator of scale than the sample variance or standard deviation. For instance, MAD is more resilient to outliers in a data set than the standard deviation. It thus behaves better with distributions without a mean or variance, such as the Cauchy distribution.

      In order to use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the estimation of the standard deviation σ, one takes σ = K * MAD, where K is a constant scale factor, which depends on the distribution. For normally distributed data K is taken to be 1.4826. Other distributions behave differently: for example for large samples from a uniform continuous distribution, this factor is about 1.1547.

      array - the array.
      the median abolute deviation.
    • distance

      public static double distance(int[] a, int[] b)
      The Euclidean distance on binary sparse arrays, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
      a - a binary sparse vector.
      b - a binary sparse vector.
      the Euclidean distance.
    • distance

      public static double distance(float[] a, float[] b)
      The Euclidean distance.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the Euclidean distance.
    • distance

      public static double distance(double[] a, double[] b)
      The Euclidean distance.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the Euclidean distance.
    • distance

      public static double distance(SparseArray a, SparseArray b)
      The Euclidean distance.
      a - a sparse vector.
      b - a sparse vector.
      the Euclidean distance.
    • squaredDistance

      public static double squaredDistance(int[] a, int[] b)
      The squared Euclidean distance on binary sparse arrays, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
      a - a binary sparse vector.
      b - a binary sparse vector.
      the square of Euclidean distance.
    • squaredDistance

      public static double squaredDistance(float[] a, float[] b)
      The squared Euclidean distance.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the square of Euclidean distance.
    • squaredDistance

      public static double squaredDistance(double[] a, double[] b)
      The squared Euclidean distance.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the square of Euclidean distance.
    • squaredDistance

      public static double squaredDistance(SparseArray a, SparseArray b)
      The Euclidean distance on sparse arrays.
      a - a sparse vector.
      b - a sparse vector.
      the square of Euclidean distance.
    • distanceWithMissingValues

      public static double distanceWithMissingValues(double[] x, double[] y)
      The Euclidean distance with handling missing values (represented as NaN). NaN will be treated as missing values and will be excluded from the calculation. Let m be the number non-missing values, and n be the number of all values. The returned distance is (n * d / m), where d is the square of distance between non-missing values.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      Euclidean distance.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(int[][] x)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple binary sparse vectors.
      x - binary sparse vectors, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
      the full pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(int[][] x, boolean squared)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple binary sparse vectors.
      x - binary sparse vectors, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
      squared - If true, compute the squared Euclidean distance.
      the pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(float[][] x)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      the full pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(float[][] x, boolean squared)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      squared - If true, compute the squared Euclidean distance.
      the pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(double[][] x)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      the full pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(double[][] x, boolean squared)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      squared - If true, compute the squared Euclidean distance.
      the pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(SparseArray[] x)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      the full pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static Matrix pdist(SparseArray[] x, boolean squared)
      Returns the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      squared - If true, compute the squared Euclidean distance.
      the pairwise distance matrix.
    • pdist

      public static <T> void pdist(T[] x, double[][] d, Distance<T> distance)
      Computes the pairwise distance matrix of multiple vectors.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the data type of vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      d - The output distance matrix. It may be only the lower half.
      distance - the distance lambda.
    • entropy

      public static double entropy(double[] p)
      Shannon's entropy.
      p - the probabilities.
      Shannon's entropy.
    • KullbackLeiblerDivergence

      public static double KullbackLeiblerDivergence(double[] p, double[] q)
      Kullback-Leibler divergence. The Kullback-Leibler divergence (also information divergence, information gain, relative entropy, or KLIC) is a non-symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions P and Q. KL measures the expected number of extra bits required to code samples from P when using a code based on Q, rather than using a code based on P. Typically P represents the "true" distribution of data, observations, or a precise calculated theoretical distribution. The measure Q typically represents a theory, model, description, or approximation of P.

      Although it is often intuited as a distance metric, the KL divergence is not a true metric - for example, the KL from P to Q is not necessarily the same as the KL from Q to P.

      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Kullback-Leibler divergence
    • KullbackLeiblerDivergence

      public static double KullbackLeiblerDivergence(SparseArray p, SparseArray q)
      Kullback-Leibler divergence. The Kullback-Leibler divergence (also information divergence, information gain, relative entropy, or KLIC) is a non-symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions P and Q. KL measures the expected number of extra bits required to code samples from P when using a code based on Q, rather than using a code based on P. Typically P represents the "true" distribution of data, observations, or a precise calculated theoretical distribution. The measure Q typically represents a theory, model, description, or approximation of P.

      Although it is often intuited as a distance metric, the KL divergence is not a true metric - for example, the KL from P to Q is not necessarily the same as the KL from Q to P.

      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Kullback-Leibler divergence
    • KullbackLeiblerDivergence

      public static double KullbackLeiblerDivergence(double[] p, SparseArray q)
      Kullback-Leibler divergence. The Kullback-Leibler divergence (also information divergence, information gain, relative entropy, or KLIC) is a non-symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions P and Q. KL measures the expected number of extra bits required to code samples from P when using a code based on Q, rather than using a code based on P. Typically P represents the "true" distribution of data, observations, or a precise calculated theoretical distribution. The measure Q typically represents a theory, model, description, or approximation of P.

      Although it is often intuited as a distance metric, the KL divergence is not a true metric - for example, the KL from P to Q is not necessarily the same as the KL from Q to P.

      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Kullback-Leibler divergence
    • KullbackLeiblerDivergence

      public static double KullbackLeiblerDivergence(SparseArray p, double[] q)
      Kullback-Leibler divergence. The Kullback-Leibler divergence (also information divergence, information gain, relative entropy, or KLIC) is a non-symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions P and Q. KL measures the expected number of extra bits required to code samples from P when using a code based on Q, rather than using a code based on P. Typically P represents the "true" distribution of data, observations, or a precise calculated theoretical distribution. The measure Q typically represents a theory, model, description, or approximation of P.

      Although it is often intuited as a distance metric, the KL divergence is not a true metric - for example, the KL from P to Q is not necessarily the same as the KL from Q to P.

      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Kullback-Leibler divergence
    • JensenShannonDivergence

      public static double JensenShannonDivergence(double[] p, double[] q)
      Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2. The Jensen-Shannon divergence is a popular method of measuring the similarity between two probability distributions. It is also known as information radius or total divergence to the average. It is based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence, with the difference that it is always a finite value. The square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence is a metric.
      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Jensen-Shannon divergence
    • JensenShannonDivergence

      public static double JensenShannonDivergence(SparseArray p, SparseArray q)
      Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2. The Jensen-Shannon divergence is a popular method of measuring the similarity between two probability distributions. It is also known as information radius or total divergence to the average. It is based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence, with the difference that it is always a finite value. The square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence is a metric.
      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Jensen-Shannon divergence
    • JensenShannonDivergence

      public static double JensenShannonDivergence(double[] p, SparseArray q)
      Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2. The Jensen-Shannon divergence is a popular method of measuring the similarity between two probability distributions. It is also known as information radius or total divergence to the average. It is based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence, with the difference that it is always a finite value. The square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence is a metric.
      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Jensen-Shannon divergence
    • JensenShannonDivergence

      public static double JensenShannonDivergence(SparseArray p, double[] q)
      Jensen-Shannon divergence JS(P||Q) = (KL(P||M) + KL(Q||M)) / 2, where M = (P+Q)/2. The Jensen-Shannon divergence is a popular method of measuring the similarity between two probability distributions. It is also known as information radius or total divergence to the average. It is based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence, with the difference that it is always a finite value. The square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence is a metric.
      p - a probability distribution.
      q - a probability distribution.
      Jensen-Shannon divergence
    • dot

      public static int dot(int[] a, int[] b)
      Returns the dot product between two binary sparse arrays, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
      a - a binary sparse vector.
      b - a binary sparse vector.
      the dot product.
    • dot

      public static float dot(float[] a, float[] b)
      Returns the dot product between two vectors.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the dot product.
    • dot

      public static double dot(double[] a, double[] b)
      Returns the dot product between two vectors.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the dot product.
    • dot

      public static double dot(SparseArray x, SparseArray y)
      Returns the dot product between two sparse arrays.
      x - a sparse vector.
      y - a sparse vector.
      the dot product.
    • pdot

      public static Matrix pdot(int[][] x)
      Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of binary sparse vectors.
      x - the binary sparse vectors, which are the indices of nonzero elements in ascending order.
      the dot product matrix.
    • pdot

      public static Matrix pdot(float[][] x)
      Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of float vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      the dot product matrix.
    • pdot

      public static Matrix pdot(double[][] x)
      Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of double vectors.
      x - the vectors.
      the dot product matrix.
    • pdot

      public static Matrix pdot(SparseArray[] x)
      Returns the pairwise dot product matrix of multiple vectors.
      x - the sparse vectors.
      the dot product matrix.
    • cov

      public static double cov(int[] x, int[] y)
      Returns the covariance between two vectors.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the covariance.
    • cov

      public static double cov(float[] x, float[] y)
      Returns the covariance between two vectors.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the covariance.
    • cov

      public static double cov(double[] x, double[] y)
      Returns the covariance between two vectors.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the covariance.
    • cov

      public static double[][] cov(double[][] data)
      Returns the sample covariance matrix.
      data - the samples
      the covariance matrix.
    • cov

      public static double[][] cov(double[][] data, double[] mu)
      Returns the sample covariance matrix.
      data - the samples
      mu - the known mean of data.
      the covariance matrix.
    • cor

      public static double cor(int[] x, int[] y)
      Returns the correlation coefficient between two vectors.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the correlation coefficient.
    • cor

      public static double cor(float[] x, float[] y)
      Returns the correlation coefficient between two vectors.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the correlation coefficient.
    • cor

      public static double cor(double[] x, double[] y)
      Returns the correlation coefficient between two vectors.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the correlation coefficient.
    • cor

      public static double[][] cor(double[][] data)
      Returns the sample correlation matrix.
      data - the samples
      the correlation matrix.
    • cor

      public static double[][] cor(double[][] data, double[] mu)
      Returns the sample correlation matrix.
      data - the samples
      mu - the known mean of data.
      the correlation matrix.
    • spearman

      public static double spearman(int[] x, int[] y)
      The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is a form of the Pearson coefficient with the data converted to rankings (i.e. when variables are ordinal). It can be used when there is non-parametric data and hence Pearson cannot be used.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.
    • spearman

      public static double spearman(float[] x, float[] y)
      The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is a form of the Pearson coefficient with the data converted to rankings (i.e. when variables are ordinal). It can be used when there is non-parametric data and hence Pearson cannot be used.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.
    • spearman

      public static double spearman(double[] x, double[] y)
      The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient is a form of the Pearson coefficient with the data converted to rankings (i.e. when variables are ordinal). It can be used when there is non-parametric data and hence Pearson cannot be used.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.
    • kendall

      public static double kendall(int[] x, int[] y)
      The Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the degree of correspondence between sets of rankings where the measures are not equidistant. It is used with non-parametric data.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the Kendall rank correlation coefficient.
    • kendall

      public static double kendall(float[] x, float[] y)
      The Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the degree of correspondence between sets of rankings where the measures are not equidistant. It is used with non-parametric data.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the Kendall rank correlation coefficient.
    • kendall

      public static double kendall(double[] x, double[] y)
      The Kendall Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient is used to measure the degree of correspondence between sets of rankings where the measures are not equidistant. It is used with non-parametric data.
      x - a vector.
      y - a vector.
      the Kendall rank correlation coefficient.
    • norm1

      public static float norm1(float[] x)
      L1 vector norm.
      x - a vector.
      L1 norm.
    • norm1

      public static double norm1(double[] x)
      L1 vector norm.
      x - a vector.
      L1 norm.
    • norm2

      public static float norm2(float[] x)
      L2 vector norm.
      x - a vector.
      L2 norm.
    • norm2

      public static double norm2(double[] x)
      L2 vector norm.
      x - a vector.
      L2 norm.
    • normInf

      public static float normInf(float[] x)
      L vector norm that is the maximum absolute value.
      x - a vector.
      L norm.
    • normInf

      public static double normInf(double[] x)
      L vector norm. Maximum absolute value.
      x - a vector.
      L norm.
    • norm

      public static float norm(float[] x)
      L2 vector norm.
      x - a vector.
      L2 norm.
    • norm

      public static double norm(double[] x)
      L2 vector norm.
      x - a vector.
      L2 norm.
    • cosine

      public static float cosine(float[] a, float[] b)
      Returns the cosine similarity.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the cosine similarity.
    • cosine

      public static double cosine(double[] a, double[] b)
      Returns the cosine similarity.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the cosine similarity.
    • angular

      public static float angular(float[] a, float[] b)
      Returns the angular distance.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the angular distance.
    • angular

      public static double angular(double[] a, double[] b)
      Returns the angular distance.
      a - a vector.
      b - a vector.
      the angular distance.
    • normalize

      public static void normalize(double[] array)
      Normalizes an array to norm 1.
      array - the array.
    • standardize

      public static void standardize(double[] array)
      Standardizes an array to mean 0 and variance 1.
      array - the array.
    • scale

      public static void scale(double[][] matrix)
      Scales each column of a matrix to range [0, 1].
      matrix - the matrix.
    • standardize

      public static void standardize(double[][] matrix)
      Standardizes each column of a matrix to 0 mean and unit variance.
      matrix - the matrix.
    • normalize

      public static void normalize(double[][] matrix)
      Unitizes each column of a matrix to unit length (L_2 norm).
      matrix - the matrix.
    • normalize

      public static void normalize(double[][] matrix, boolean centerizing)
      Unitizes each column of a matrix to unit length (L_2 norm).
      matrix - the matrix.
      centerizing - If true, centerize each column to 0 mean.
    • unitize

      public static void unitize(double[] array)
      Unitize an array so that L2 norm of array = 1.
      array - the vector.
    • unitize1

      public static void unitize1(double[] array)
      Unitize an array so that L1 norm of array is 1.
      array - the vector.
    • unitize2

      public static void unitize2(double[] array)
      Unitize an array so that L2 norm of array = 1.
      array - the vector.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(float[] x, float[] y)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-7.
      x - an array.
      y - an array.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(float[] x, float[] y, float epsilon)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
      x - an array.
      y - an array.
      epsilon - a number close to zero.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(double[] x, double[] y)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-10.
      x - an array.
      y - an array.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(double[] x, double[] y, double epsilon)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
      x - an array.
      y - an array.
      epsilon - a number close to zero.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(float[][] x, float[][] y)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-7.
      x - a two-dimensional array.
      y - a two-dimensional array.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(float[][] x, float[][] y, float epsilon)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
      x - a two-dimensional array.
      y - a two-dimensional array.
      epsilon - a number close to zero.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(double[][] x, double[][] y)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y with default epsilon 1E-10.
      x - a two-dimensional array.
      y - a two-dimensional array.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • equals

      public static boolean equals(double[][] x, double[][] y, double epsilon)
      Check if x element-wisely equals y in given precision.
      x - a two-dimensional array.
      y - a two-dimensional array.
      epsilon - a number close to zero.
      true if x element-wisely equals y.
    • isZero

      public static boolean isZero(float x)
      Tests if a floating number is zero in machine precision.
      x - a real number.
      true if x is zero in machine precision.
    • isZero

      public static boolean isZero(float x, float epsilon)
      Tests if a floating number is zero in given precision.
      x - a real number.
      epsilon - a number close to zero.
      true if x is zero in epsilon precision.
    • isZero

      public static boolean isZero(double x)
      Tests if a floating number is zero in machine precision.
      x - a real number.
      true if x is zero in machine precision.
    • isZero

      public static boolean isZero(double x, double epsilon)
      Tests if a floating number is zero in given precision.
      x - a real number.
      epsilon - a number close to zero.
      true if x is zero in epsilon precision.
    • clone

      public static int[][] clone(int[][] x)
      Deep clone a two-dimensional array.
      x - a two-dimensional array.
      the deep clone.
    • clone

      public static float[][] clone(float[][] x)
      Deep clone a two-dimensional array.
      x - a two-dimensional array.
      the deep clone.
    • clone

      public static double[][] clone(double[][] x)
      Deep clone a two-dimensional array.
      x - a two-dimensional array.
      the deep clone.
    • swap

      public static void swap(int[] x, int i, int j)
      Swap two elements of an array.
      x - an array.
      i - the index of first element.
      j - the index of second element.
    • swap

      public static void swap(float[] x, int i, int j)
      Swap two elements of an array.
      x - an array.
      i - the index of first element.
      j - the index of second element.
    • swap

      public static void swap(double[] x, int i, int j)
      Swap two elements of an array.
      x - an array.
      i - the index of first element.
      j - the index of second element.
    • swap

      public static void swap(Object[] x, int i, int j)
      Swap two elements of an array.
      x - an array.
      i - the index of first element.
      j - the index of second element.
    • swap

      public static void swap(int[] x, int[] y)
      Swap two arrays.
      x - an array.
      y - the other array.
    • swap

      public static void swap(float[] x, float[] y)
      Swap two arrays.
      x - an array.
      y - the other array.
    • swap

      public static void swap(double[] x, double[] y)
      Swap two arrays.
      x - an array.
      y - the other array.
    • swap

      public static <E> void swap(E[] x, E[] y)
      Swap two arrays.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the data type of array elements.
      x - an array.
      y - the other array.
    • copy

      public static void copy(int[][] x, int[][] y)
      Copy x into y.
      x - the input matrix.
      y - the output matrix.
    • copy

      public static void copy(float[][] x, float[][] y)
      Deep copy x into y.
      x - the input matrix.
      y - the output matrix.
    • copy

      public static void copy(double[][] x, double[][] y)
      Deep copy x into y.
      x - the input matrix.
      y - the output matrix.
    • add

      public static void add(double[] y, double[] x)
      Element-wise sum of two arrays y = x + y.
      y - avector.
      x - a vector.
    • sub

      public static void sub(double[] a, double[] b)
      Element-wise subtraction of two arrays a -= b.
      a - the minuend array.
      b - the subtrahend array.
    • scale

      public static void scale(double a, double[] x)
      Scale each element of an array by a constant x = a * x.
      a - the scale factor.
      x - the input and output vector.
    • scale

      public static void scale(double a, double[] x, double[] y)
      Scale each element of an array by a constant y = a * x.
      a - the scale factor.
      x - a vector.
      y - the output vector.
    • axpy

      public static double[] axpy(double a, double[] x, double[] y)
      Update an array by adding a multiple of another array y = a * x + y.
      a - the scale factor.
      x - a vector.
      y - the input and output vector.
      the vector y.
    • pow

      public static double[] pow(double[] x, double n)
      Raise each element of an array to a scalar power.
      x - the base array.
      n - the scalar exponent.
    • unique

      public static int[] unique(int[] array)
      Find unique elements of vector.
      array - an integer array.
      the same values as in x but with no repetitions.
    • unique

      public static String[] unique(String[] array)
      Find unique elements of vector.
      array - an array of strings.
      the same values as in x but with no repetitions.
    • sort

      public static int[][] sort(double[][] matrix)
      Sorts each variable and returns the index of values in ascending order. Note that the order of original array is NOT altered.
      matrix - a set of variables to be sorted. Each row is an instance. Each column is a variable.
      the index of values in ascending order
    • solve

      public static double[] solve(double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, double[] r)
      Solve the tridiagonal linear set which is of diagonal dominance |bi| > |ai| + |ci|.
           | b0 c0  0  0  0 ...                        |
           | a1 b1 c1  0  0 ...                        |
           |  0 a2 b2 c2  0 ...                        |
           |                ...                        |
           |                ... a(n-2)  b(n-2)  c(n-2) |
           |                ... 0       a(n-1)  b(n-1) |
      a - the lower part of tridiagonal matrix. a[0] is undefined and not referenced by the method.
      b - the diagonal of tridiagonal matrix.
      c - the upper of tridiagonal matrix. c[n-1] is undefined and not referenced by the method.
      r - the right-hand side of linear equations.
      the solution.