
Interface LamarckianChromosome<T extends Chromosome<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the Chromosome.
All Superinterfaces:
Chromosome<T>, Comparable<Chromosome<T>>

public interface LamarckianChromosome<T extends Chromosome<T>> extends Chromosome<T>
Artificial chromosomes used in Lamarckian algorithm that is a hybrid of evolutionary computation and a local improver such as hill-climbing. Lamarckian algorithm augments an EA with some hill-climbing during the fitness assessment phase to revise each individual as it is being assessed. The revised individual replaces the original one in the population.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Performs a step of (hill-climbing) local search to evolve this chromosome.

    Methods inherited from interface

    crossover, fitness, mutate, newInstance

    Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

  • Method Details

    • evolve

      void evolve()
      Performs a step of (hill-climbing) local search to evolve this chromosome.