Class KNNImputer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Function<Tuple,Tuple>, Transform

public class KNNImputer extends Object implements Transform
Missing value imputation with k-nearest neighbors. The KNN-based method selects instances similar to the instance of interest to impute missing values. If we consider instance A that has one missing value on attribute i, this method would find K other instances, which have a value present on attribute i, with values most similar (in terms of some distance, e.g. Euclidean distance) to A on other attributes without missing values. The average of values on attribute i from the K nearest neighbors is then used as an estimate for the missing value in instance A. In the weighted average, the contribution of each instance is weighted by similarity between it and instance A.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • KNNImputer

      public KNNImputer(DataFrame data, int k, Distance<Tuple> distance)
      data - the map of column name to the constant value.
      k - the number of nearest neighbors used for imputation.
      distance - the distance measure.
    • KNNImputer

      public KNNImputer(DataFrame data, int k, String... columns)
      Constructor with Euclidean distance on selected columns.
      data - the map of column name to the constant value.
      k - the number of nearest neighbors used for imputation.
      columns - the columns used in Euclidean distance computation. If empty, all columns will be used.
  • Method Details